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I got a message today from my sister. She was trying to tell me of all the bad things about knowing people on the internet. She claims that you give a different picture of yourself on the inet. This is a modified truth I think. I believe we all on ABC try to make a good impression and that is to be commended as we mean each other well. There are many pieces of information, news and useful words exchanged between users. I wonder what she was thinking about. I am a fan of Facebook too as lots of useful information is viewed there. There is also lots of useless stuff too. On the forums on Abc there are lively discussions some more useful than others and some more fun. Generally I believe internet friendships are all right and I have personally a couple of good internet friends I am thankful for having met. I found a school friend from yes 1966 last year and it was such a joy to renew the friendship. On Abc I think we have a good ping pong , are tolerant and respectful and we can carefully pull each others leg. We are also caring -empathetic. What we must remember is to keep writing and to take writing seriously and with earnest. Reading stuff with a lot of effort put into it for me is so rewarding and I take my hat off to talent but at the same time I enjoy reading honest efforts of expressing feelings and impressions. I don't agree with my sister. I believe in the Internet when you can meet people like ABCtalers.

This isn't really a discussion topic is it. Sorry
I think it is a discussion topic because it promotes discussion. I take all the friends I can get. I'm not sure what a troll is but there are a few bridges near me so I'm worried!


Stan some of us never get to these Wheatsheaf evenings. Some are too far away , some life gets in the way so you are a lucky few:) but like you I have met quite a few absolutely honest and sincere internet buddies.. I keep in touch with family and friends on Facebook as they live abroad and there there are a couple of talers I correspond with. This I feel broadens my outlook knowing how things are developing in Great Britain and just the fact that you can get to know someone by introducing yourself by way of emails! Haven't tried blogs but that must be a good way to share interests. Oh yes you have to choose your information sources, you can see their quality by the language and phrasing. I love searching the net for info. One source often leads to another and so on. Don't know what I would do without the Internet either. :)
Everything has its upsides and downsides, but I'm sure most people would agree that the internet is worth its flaws. While it's definitely true that anonymity can lead to deception and obnoxious behaviour, the anonymity of the internet can also lead to greater honesty and a greater number of fresh perspectives. For one, personalities and experiences that are widely spaced in a population can come together over the internet (e.g. if every village has one idiot, only on the 'net can village idiots socialize with each other). You might actually get deeper friendships that way because you have more in common. So much depends on what you do with it. I use the internet mostly to discover and examine literature; I don't have the boldness and dedication to blog, philosophical and political discussions always seem to get heated too fast and I log into facebook once a week or less. Considering the demographics of this little port city, if it weren't for the internet I'd have maybe two acquaintances my own age and those I did have would be awfully uneducated. I think it's great in that regard.
I'm like stan... Not a social animal so very grateful for the Internet and the friendships that I've made with folks all over the world. I've witnessed some terribly vicious arguments and had forum friends who have been subjected to some horrible bullying by nasty Internet trolls, all of which has made me wary. But the positives certainly outweigh the bad I believe.


I'm all for your friendly philosophy Celtic. The more the merrier:) :)
My philosophy is that I prefer to go through life making friends not enemies. In any case I don't have the energy, the will or the patience for enemies...they're far too demanding! Mind you, a friend in need is a bloody nuisance! I jest!
Hello good people. I enjoy the Internet, and so does my precious wife, Esther. Imagine---we will celebrate our 37th Wedding Anniversary March 27, very soon. Chatting with ABCers is great because most give their names. To me that is a feeling of trust, in that expression and words given are honest and without shame. Too often, bloggers in newspapers have no courage to give their names, and this sadly allows them to be demeaning and downright nasty in their printed comments. Through forums such as this I have gained much, ie new friendships, sharing ideas with other writers whose writing I admire, and knowing I belong to an international web. Right now we will experience 14C weather; just two days ago, it was -15C. My wife and I moved to beautiful Truro, in Nova Scotia in 1986 from Ontario. My home town is Rouyn-Noranda Quebec, and my wife is from near Cape Tormentine, New Brunswick. Yes indeed, the Internet brings together an international family. God bless all, from Richard and Esther. NOTE---our website is: and ALL books including the three for sale (free to ABC folks) are available for you to download.
Richard L. Provencher
Hi Richard- so nice to read such a cheery message and thank you for that. ;)Pia
Hello Stan and Pia -- I had the pleasure of working in Social Services for 22 years (in many areas) and learned first hand, no matter the sad events in the world, there is always sunshine. Yes Nova Scotia (New Scotland) is about 600 Km from one end to the other and around 300 Km at its widest part. A population of 900,000 enjoys a setting where 80% of the Province is woods. Lots of mosquitoes, lakes, hills, beauty. On my Website can be found some rotating pictures in the top right corner. Check them out. All the best, Richard LP
Richard L. Provencher
Oh hey Richard, that's where I am!
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