Front page!

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Front page!

I can't be the only regular user of the site that has groaned every time I log-on and see one of the same regular pictures on the front page.....or am I? Not wishing to hurt anybodys feelings but they are a bit of a bore, so how about a re-think!

What do the damagement think of having photos of themselves displayed for a day or two at a time, so we can all SEE who we are dealing with? And to take it a step further, why not have contributors emailing their own photo for display in what could become a rogues gallery on the front page! It might even have a positive effect on the discussion boards, Karl might get lots of offers, I might get lots of advice and Mark could hold a bowl of cherries!

Sorry there's nothing controversial to say here, the boards are in danger of becoming very sedate. Will someone please start an argument I can get my teeth into. Anybody? Please! Mark where are you when I need you?

aol retard
Anonymous's picture
a picture of kittens would be nice. or floppy-eared rabbits.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Hi, We'll have a think about changing the images. Not too sure about including pics of contributors on the site - it could make it appear cliquey to new users. And I'm really not that comfortable about having my picture on the internet (far too easy for people to 'have fun' with photoshop!) But we certainly don't want you getting bored. We'll have a chat and see what we can do (any other ideas gratefully received. Cheers Emily PS: Speaking of kittens, have you seen the (spoof!) site
Anonymous's picture
I thought Fish was on the front page, today? And sorry to be a party pooper, Missus, but I think we had this one before, and most contributors threw their metaphorical hands up in horror at the thought of their mugs being openly displayed (and possibly open for ridicule elements) on a site, albeit such a respected and respectable one as ABC... Um...Fish. Just a joke, eh?
Anonymous's picture
Well, that's all very fine and dandy, Fey, but what about all us poor PC illiterates wot don't have (or, in my case have, but don't know how to use) scanners? On reflection, though, a pretty good idea...
Anonymous's picture
I'm obviously feeling a bit under the weather today, it hadn't occurred to me that our resident retard would be first up to volunteer pics of the intelligent branch of his/her/it's family! And on second thoughts I don't think I want my imagination over-ruled by images on the front page. As you so rightly point out Emmy, it would open to the door to pictorial abuse, and the likes of retard wouldn't be able to resist showing us what can be done with an innocent picture and a morons mind. I suppose I only posted the thread out of boredom, and it's hardly the kind of topic that's going to lead to an intellectual discussion is it? Unless there is an intellectual angle to the issue of a cat and rabbit! Hm, sounds like one of those trashy new style pubs. Andrea's little gag re:ifb occurred to me to but I thought perhaps she wouldn't have taken it too kindly from me, so I resisted.
aol rearguard
Anonymous's picture
if you're bored why not leave the sideshow for a while and write some poetry? just a malice intended...
aol retard
Anonymous's picture
i'm only a part-time retard. mostly i am a genius - especially at taking photos of my kittens and rabbits, to whom i am very kind, though i am not actually related to them. i would love to read some of mississippi's poetry to them - i am sure he is extremely talented. All those words he types! Gosh!
hugh wystan
Anonymous's picture
do you write anything aol retard?
Anonymous's picture
Why dont you just grow up the lot of you????? It's tedious in the extreme to read the SAME petty arguments over and over and bloody OVER again. For Christs sake give it a sodding rest.
Anonymous's picture
Hi Missi, I did try this awhile back. Must admit you got a better response than I did. aolretard: You really should read Missi's poems, he has a rare talent, in that he feels and boy he really can portray those feelings in print. Check 'em out, as at least a 1000 of other readers have. Liana: Don't like the heat, keep out of the kitchen!!!!. Nobody has to respond nor read any thread which is abhorrant to them. I don't, unless I feel compelled to do so. PS before the rest of the children jump on the AJ against Liana bandwagon again, don't. I actually respect Liana, because like Missi, you see what you get. No hidden or underlying currents there. AJ
Anonymous's picture
Er...Fey. I'm afraid I haven't even got as far as connecting the bloody thing yet - way behind you, obviously... Missus, I think Fey was suggesting pics in general, rather than mugshots of contributors - or did I get that wrong too? Fecky, saw Liana, but no piccy of you. Under do you appear?
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
I believe Liana would be referring to the monotony of reading the same tired slanging matches over and over again. They do not represent debate, humour, wisdom or wit and are tiresome in the extreme.
Anonymous's picture
Well said, Dave!
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Glad that's all sorted. So, back to pics. Fey, I like that idea. The biggest problem is the size - they need to be 130 x 255 pixels and no bigger than 10k in file size. But if any of your mates would be up for doing us some pics in that format, that would be great. Love the 'photo of the day' idea. Could maybe do the same with images if there are any budding artists out there too? Anyone who's got pics, e-mail them to me and I'll see what we can do.
aol genius
Anonymous's picture
how about pics of famous writers, with a brief bio? if this idea were accepted, perhaps a thread could be started to vote for pic of the day/week.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Another good idea - may be copyright probs but I'll look into it. It would certainly be interesting to see a thread with recommendations for authors we should include... in fact, why don't I start one.
Anonymous's picture
Would just like to say that she is fully scanner-literate and doesn't see why people find it so hard. *exits smugly stage left*
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