Front page!
I can't be the only regular user of the site that has groaned every time I log-on and see one of the same regular pictures on the front page.....or am I? Not wishing to hurt anybodys feelings but they are a bit of a bore, so how about a re-think!
What do the damagement think of having photos of themselves displayed for a day or two at a time, so we can all SEE who we are dealing with? And to take it a step further, why not have contributors emailing their own photo for display in what could become a rogues gallery on the front page! It might even have a positive effect on the discussion boards, Karl might get lots of offers, I might get lots of advice and Mark could hold a bowl of cherries!
Sorry there's nothing controversial to say here, the boards are in danger of becoming very sedate. Will someone please start an argument I can get my teeth into. Anybody? Please! Mark where are you when I need you?