A little spleen venting
I stand by my shout from the rooftops that Talers is the best site on the net, closely followed by UKA.
I used to be heavily involved in both sites, but as time restraints took over, I came to the point where I didn't have the time to read as much as I wanted to on both sites so chose Talers. I'm still very fond of UKA, just don't have the time to dedicate to both.
A few weeks ago, I started using another writing site. I could just dip in and out at will.
I have been thrown off the site.
That's fine
What has annoyed me is that I have been given no explanation. I haven't been sent an email saying that I was about to be excluded or had been. I just couldn't log into my account yesterday and assumed that the site was down.
Today, by going onto the contact part, I find that my account has been deactivated by a moderator.
I know that I haven't done a damned thing wrong. In the few weeks that I was there, several newcomers joined and soon started shouting about cliques and feeling excluded. I defended the 'inner circle' by saying that they were loyal to their site and that by reading and commenting, us newbies might come to feel welcome, too, and perhaps wouldn't notice the divide so much.
It clearly is a case of, if your face doesn't fit... you're out.
How damned rude.
I don't mind being kicked out in the slightest. It is way inferior to Talers. What I object to, is not being given a reason for it.
I have never once been rude or disrespectful to anybody.
The only cross words I ever had (and it was him, not me) was when a man called, The Messiah, took my work apart word by word and told me just how shite it was. I didn't mind at all and agreed with much of what he'd said. I explained that it was an old piece that I'd written awhile ago and hoped that I'd improved.
And he slated me for wasting his considerable and important time by posting a piece that I hadn't written that day. Bad form, apparently. I posted the old piece on here and Tony said that it was nice to see it again.
But that was three weeks ago, I don't think it explains me being kicked off, now.
I have written to ask why, but so far haven't had a reply, I'm not sure that I'll get one.
What I did like about the site is that you get far harsher citique than on here. The people on ABCTales are lovey, and sometimes it can feel like kicking a puppy if you don't find a piece to your taste. On there, they'll kick the pup and then poke it's eyes out for good measure. I did appreciate the harsh critique, but never once retaliated.
The site is governed by a woman and her band of little helpers. It seems, that unless your nose is firmly wedged up her arse, and the respective arses of the other mods in the tight little circle.... you are of no use to them.
Some of them aren't bad writers, but they are stuffed up with academia and probably aren't as good as they think they are. Most of them brag about having been published in magazines and use this to force their opinions down the throats of mere mortals, like me.
There are one or two nice people on there, that I would like to thank, but now have no way of getting in contact with.
No loss, but I'm still annoyed that they didn't have the good manners to tell me why I was excluded.
And just to make it clear, these are my views and in no way reflect the views or opinions of ABCTAles
Now, who's got the digestives? I'm in a rattie.