Any Strange Lights Yet?
Thu, 2012-12-20 22:51
Any Strange Lights Yet?
Any strange noises, movements, bright lights in the sky yet?
Only an hour to go!
"When the moon is in the Seventh House...
And Jupiter aligns with Mars...
Then peace will guide the planets...
And love will steer the stars..."
Beautiful, I was singing that as I read it
"..... This is is the dawning of the age of Aquarius ....."
(Does that give my age away?)
Karl.. It just means you're a classic (at least, that's what I tell myself).
I just ordered the CD, then I realised I'll be cycling through the sky with E.T. in just 15 minutes.
I guess you made it. I still have five hours to wait for the apocalypse, rapture, or what ever else is not going to happen.
Karl?... Anyone?... You're starting to worry me. Over.
If the world were to end today my last words posted on abctales would be 'gyrating horseflesh'
I'm waiting for midnight in Australia then I won't be as scared- ha ha Strange feeling about the end of the world-I won't relax until then. Silly I know!
It's past midnight in Oz and nothing has happened so I reckon we'll survive. Phew- This evening they are showing an 'end of the world' show on dk tv- they're crazy.