Private Health Screenings

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Private Health Screenings

No doubt that you have heard of these: letters being sent from Lifeline Screening, informing you of potential heart attack and stroke risks. An edition of "Inside Out"(London episode of the 21st January 2013) says that most of these health screenings are scams and that if you have no symptoms of ill health, there is no need to have these tests done. However, what happens if you are unaware of any symtoms but are in the early stages of a fatal disease??

Couldn't you go for a check-up at your doctors? An ECG maybe?
Hi prettypolly. The way I see it, these Lifeline things don't alter a damn thing. You either have a disease or you don't have it. If you have it and get screened then it could be found / cured, and if you have a disease and you don't get screened then it may not be found and you may die. That choice is exactly the same for those who've never heard of Lifeline as it is for those who've received the letters - the only difference is that if you've had a letter then you are more aware of the dilemma than the people who haven't had the letter. And whether you are aware of the dilemma or not, and whether you choose to get screened or not, the disease might still kill you. Death comes to us all in the end. It's not a cheerful thought, but it's an inescapable one.
there was a bit in The Observer about private screenings. It's not a scam in terms of they can and do check for some physical ailments. They make money by alarming people. An analogy would be a salesman trying to sell OAP's packages for burglar alarms. Those criminals are really criminal and they're outside your door...We've got this thing called the NHS (well so far, although how much longer, god knows). You can discuss your health needs with your GP. It costs you nothing and if you need screened for any potential disease, that too will cost you nothing.


It is the doctor himself or herself who sends his or her patient to Lifeline Screenings or its equivalent, Highhat.


Oh- but can't the health services do the screening? For free?
Well, as it is the doctor who sends his or her patients to the screening. one does not normally argue with him or her and does what he or she instructs one to do.


Does one? *I* certainly don't. They are not gods, y'know. is external)