First page Comp.

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First page Comp.

Our friends at Words with Jam have sent me the details of their latest comp. I think many of you might enjoy this one:

Words with JAM
First Page Competition 2013

Our popular first page competition is back. We're looking for the most captivating first page (up to 400 words) of a story. Entries can be from a novel previously unpublished, a part written novel, or simply a first page written purely for the competition. Entries will be judged anonymously.

1st Prize - £500
2nd Prize - £100
3rd Prize - £50

Closing Date
31th May 2013

All three winning entries will be published in the August 2013 issue of Words with JAM.

Judge: Sue Grafton
Sue Grafton is published in 28 countries and 26 languages—including Estonian, Bulgarian, and Indonesian. She’s an international bestseller with a readership in the millions. She’s a writer who believes in the form that she has chosen to mine: “The mystery novel offers a world in which justice is served. Maybe not in a court of law,” she has said, “but people do get their just desserts.” And like Raymond Chandler and Ross Macdonald, Robert Parker and the John D. MacDonald—the best of her breed—she has earned new respect for that form. Her readers appreciate her buoyant style, her eye for detail, her deft hand with character, her acute social observances, and her abundant storytelling talents.


I can personally recommend Words With Jam competitions. I've just won 2 prizes in their 2012 Bigger Short Story competiton - 2nd in the 250 word category, 3rd in the 1000 word section. Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet again or anything. Sorry everyone, but I'm a bit excited about it! I entered the First Page comp last year, but didn't get anywhere. Might have another go....


Blow away, alibob. You should be proud of yourself. Rich


I'm intrigued by this but I'm not sure the difference between a 'first page' and a short story that could potentially continue. Reading the winners of last years they all read just like short stories.
Hudsonmoon is right alibob - you've earned the right to blow your trumpet. You've done brilliantly! Congrats :) Kris ......................... Http://