I Know I am a Thatcher lover but I truly say this as comment rather than judgement. It really is incredible how one person can cause such polarised opinions. Discuss. Not from your political viewpoint but objectively.
Objectively I hate her. Subjectively I hate her even more. Subjectively I hate all Tories. Objectively I allow myself this because it's good to hate Compasssion and kindness are for losers. Think how much better we would be with no welfare state, no immigrants, just rich people. It makes sense.
These from earlier:
Criminalisation by Poll tax
The Belgrano murders
Destruction of industry
Destruction of communities
Milk taken from school children's daily diet
Prescriptive National Curriculum
Attempt at the preservation of the status quo in the north of Ireland
But a couple of extras:
Mandela - terrorist
Pinochet - defender of freedom
Yes she did all this and more bless her.
And another thing. Feminists saying she did nothing for women. What planet! So the first woman prime minister wins three general elections and that does nothing for women? I'm speechless.
I see Stewart Lee every year in Edinburgh. He's superb. Paul Foot's better. Can you folks understand that I can be a left wing compassionate conservative?
Anyway, You've all missed my point, even though I made it very clear. Objectively and non-politically, what is it about Thatcher that makes her so controversial/divisive? It can't be just politics. We've all been divided by politics before. Come on, think, forget your entrenchments, be intelligent for once in your ferking lives. I don't know the answer, I'm looking for your help.
Seems strange to me that the one who started this thread and his most loyal and vitriolic supporter of hate Maggie thread seem to show the same Thatchteristic disregard to people in trouble and worship of the big boss when it comes to one of their own (Paul). Preferring turn their backs and hide behind silly humour.
Seems to me, scratch, hitting 200 is more important to you than anything else. (only two more to go weeee!)
I don't want to get into a forum war with you, Scratch and Stan, I've had my say and that's the end of it, but I do think it's too easy to dismiss things by saying you don't know enough about what happened.
Stan, if you want to know more about me read the prose pentathlon book when you receive it.