Thatcher: Dead

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Thatcher: Dead
Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke.


How long before we can piss on her grave?




I rather think that many feel the same was Stan.


Shame she took the soul of the country with her.

Parson Thru

Criminalisation by Poll tax Toxteth The Belgrano murders Destruction of industry Destruction of communities Milk taken from school children's daily diet Prescriptive National Curriculum Attempt at the preservation of the status quo in the north of Ireland Yes she did all this and more bless her.


Best news I've heard in ages


contempt for the working class. The acceleration and destruction of the manufacturing base and a movement towards invisible industries to fill the gap *(banking/trading/shafting the poor). breakup of the rail network, a movement towards subsidizing the private rented sector rather than build new council houses. None of these things lead to sustainable growth, but cause a spike in short term gains. The big winners were those made capital from the destruction of the council housing sector or the other public industries. There used to be, for example, 85 000 miners. The job is not complete, of course, the demonisation of the poor continues. Thatcher famously wanted an end to welfare, but that was seen as too radical. I have nothing but contempt for Thatcher and all Tories. We all die, but her legacy, her brand of class hatred remains toxic and the worse part is the poor are being blamed for the faults of the rich and the common sense answer is seen as making the poor poorer to make the rich richer. Fuck that.


Crikey, to be that hated must be a terrible thing. Despite her past crimes she was an old, frail lady, with a family who, presumably, loved her. I'm happy to let the old girl sleep in peace.


Sooz she was a fucking nasty old bitch (and that's being nice) and her money grabbing husband ran the most dangerous and bad paying factory in North Kent. To say she died peacefully is an insult to justice. Pain wracked and fully conscious would be too good for her. Sad thing is she'll go down as some kind of hero instead as hated as Hitler. God forbid there will never be another like her. TODAY SHOULD BE A NATIONAL HOLIDAY CELEBRATING HER DEATH.



Anonymous's picture
'Crikey, to be that hated must be a terrible thing.' Cause and effect, Sooz :)



Anonymous's picture
I never liked her and I'm not even British. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Stan, that comment made me crease. Facebook statuses with RIP on are bad enough, never mind toddlers waxing lyrical. Millions of people's lives were destroyed by that woman. And therefore, they have a right to speak ill of the evil she caused, whether she is dead or alive. She was somebody's granny (god help them) and death is devastating; I am not a hard heeled bint, but come on, this UK 'respect the dead' mantra is an absurd contradiction.


Biggus, tell me, what is unreasonable about this: "Criminalisation by Poll tax Toxteth The Belgrano murders Destruction of industry Destruction of communities Milk taken from school children's daily diet Prescriptive National Curriculum Attempt at the preservation of the status quo in the north of Ireland Yes she did all this and more bless her." You need to wake up. Just because someone has the common decency to die doesn't absolve them of culpability for chronic badness.


Sorry, but I'm with Sooz and Biggus on this one. Actually, I'm not sorry at all. Whatever you think of the woman (and I personally disagreed with most of her policies), your collective venom, bile and spite displays a pack mentality, does you all a disservice and displays little intelligence.
No Andrea, my sentiments are mine and mine alone, I don't care if the crowd around me bays in agreement or if it doesn't.


Actually Biggus, I find your comments un-believable.


I'm with the ladies and Biggus! Maggie may have been a misguided prude with a penchant for the aristocratic elite and handsome soldiers, a dislike for professional sloppiness and a hatred for the civil service (hear hear!) but at the very least she suffered the consequences of her convictions resolutely and fearlessly. Britain in the 70s was about the most depressing pile of shit on the planet and anything would have been better than Scargill and his pseudo-socialist buffoons with less brain cells than a lifeless carrot. It always surprises me how Labour never seem to manage to abolish those nasty new laws like Poll Tax when they return to power. Thanks to the Tories, they can cream off the people and say 'well, it wasn't us. They did it, so there'. It's very easy to poke hatred at Thatcher but it's an incredibly cheap laugh. If there was a party prepared to do the right thing by the people of Britain, I would have voted for them. Are all the antagonists on this thread supposing that Thatcher was to blame for the situation we now find ourselves in? Pathetic. She was democratically elected (twice or three times, I can't remember) and after protecting the Falklands she won with a massive majority of 140-odd. Almost unheard of, so it's funny to read how everyone hates her now she's dead. what did you do to stop her when she was alive? Oh yes, you're upright citizens who wouldn't dare argue with a woman in public. Yes, that's it. Truth is, there has never been any real political opposition to her tyranny therefore I have never voted, and to those who say 'well, you don't deserve an opinion if you don't vote', you can stick your bourgeois pseudo socialist non-beliefs up your arses. They're as bad as each other and float their own brand of elitist tripe on us and then pass the buck back between themselves, to and fro. When a political party proposes true socialism in its purest form, I will vote. Until then, you can all clink your glasses to Maggie's death and wish her ill, sip your shitty alcohol and agree on how righteous you all are. Good luck, comrades. You'll need it. ps. I don't expect to be abc's biggest recipient of apples, or cherries, but at least I'm prepared to say how I really feel on the subject. I hated Maggie's Britain but I ask what really was the difference between her and Blair, whose Children's Act has blighted poor and emotionally challenged families under the corrupt supervision of chippy, hateful, childless, mentally ill, self-seeking quangos and bloodsucking lawyers whose only aim was to rip children away from their parents and take years to find adoptive parents for them while they cahrged for the privilege of their hapless deception. PPI was invented by lawyers under Blair's 'watch' and it's lawyers who profit from it now the Ts and Cs discredited its authenticity as a financial product. We're the suckers because we let it happen and continue to do zip about it. Britain's in a much worse state after a dozen years of Labour and if I was forced to vote for one over the other, I'd vote Tory any day of the week. And what of Iraq? Weren't there any murders there or is that OK because the Tories weren't in power? Get a grip. Whoever suggested in this thread that Maggie took the soul of Britain with her can't have a very high estimation of our collective soul, which I believe to be the most beautiful on the planet. If anyone asks me to explain myself further, get a life, or write me a nice poem about worms and thrushes.


"what did you do to stop her when she was alive?" Voted against her....


There was once a can of worms and a thrush set about them, with its iron beak until they were all destitute... I am only playing, please don't usurp me from the site..The thrush imagery was too tempting.


Stan, You should know what I think about democracy and government by now. This little spat just goes to show how easy it must be to preside over us. Boy, are we easy pickings. You're a lovely bloke and a double-brilliant writer and we both have much better things to be doing than fighting each other from the same corner while the suited oaf on the other side of the ring laughs his blooming socks off. Please don't take what I say personally. I'm just being vocally venomous and spitting feathers after a day in London seeing a mate who's just had a liver transplant. Dirty great big scars aren't my idea of sightseeing but I also saw the first two coloured illustrations for my next book so it ain't all bad. Off to get my Osborne teddy bear for a cuddle in bed now.


May peace reign among all our ABCtalers. Good night and God bless from Canada. Richard & Esther ps. my sister Susan is now stable--serious recovery begins. Thank you for your precious prayers.
Richard L. Provencher




As an ex-steelworker who was forced to strike for several weeks, due to her outrageous policies, I witnessed much suffering and depravity, which I cannot forget. She devastated the steel and coal industry. Today, those greedy, heartless bastards are continuing her culling and I fear for this country. Never before have I spoke ill of the dead, and although I'm trying hard to restrain myself here, I cannot forgive or forget.


Just because she died a frail old lady shouldn't deter folk from expressing their true feelings. Sure, it may appear a bit vulgar to be 'celebrating' anyone's death, but rather than judge those who do so, ask yourself what sort of person must she have been to stir such feelings in so many people. Remember the scenes in Iraq or Libya when Saddam and Gaddafi were killed. I'll refrain from having a party over her death but I won't stand aside while the so-called great and good of society hark on about how wonderful she was. Let the nation's response send a warning to Cameron and Co. When her funeral cortège rolls down the streets of London next week I wouldn't be surprised if more than one egg is thrown at her coffin. She had the bare-faced cheek to continue to call Nelson Mandela a terrorist, not to mention her treatment of the Irish political prisoners. Let us not forget she was the biggest terrorist this country has seen.
I disagree with being childish in your vilification of the woman, I STRONGLY agree that we should ensure we are honest about her legacy and reputation rather than just saying she should be left in peace. We're not talking about defiling her grave (well not all of us) but we are talking about ensuring her headstone in history is the truth and not some soporific "do not speak ill of the dead". However, don't take my word for it - read this extremely succinct and well-written article which makes the point better than I.
That article is bang on.


I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy - Martin Luther King
Hope your mate does well Blighters.

Parson Thru

actually I've read through The Sun, pages 2-9. I was wrong. Mrs Thatcher was more revered than Churchill. A better leader than that old African terrorist. She took the country by the scruff of the neck. I'm standing up saluting. Tears are running down my face. You terrible people have duped me. Why did nobody tell me these things?


"The lips of Marilyn Monroe, the eyes of Caligula"


I'm just glad she's been cloned and like Arthuian legend in our time of need...


I think that was Mitterrand . It's bloody good whoever said it


I hope not stan!


He's doing well thanks, Parson Thru, although the Dept of work and pensions are still giving him a hard time. They cut his entitlement to benefit to sub-subsistence levels (£44 a week) six months ago and seem to think he's fit for work. Wait till they see the doc's report and his scars. Then they'll back off, the shameless freaks. You are a true gentleman and a testament to quiet humility.


Anonymous's picture
It was Mitterand-
I suppose that with all the electronic information available I could quite easily find out the answer to this. I can recall when I first heard the a reference to 'Sir' Mark Thatcher and remember thinking at the time 'what has he done of noteworthyness or merit to be afforded such a title' It just seemed to come out of the blue as it were. Just exactly why was Mark Thatcher given a Knighthood?


it was inherited when his father died


Ah, I see.


I have been put in charge of the funeral. I'm hammering a stake througn her wicked heart and burying her face down under sixty feet of reinforced concrete to make sure she doesn't rise to suck the blood of the poor again.
And if she had the lips of Monroe they were in a box under her bed.
Perhaps he was trying to find Equatorial Guinea.


Imagine meeting your son for the first time, aged 5.


Simon Mann's son, Arthur.


I wondered if it had something to do with Simon Mann Vera. 'Sir' (skid) Mark ran and then squealed. What a friend indeed.

