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I seem to remember reading that it was possible to upload photos to the site.  If that is correct then I would appreciate someone telling me how.


I wish I could give you a positive answer, but my knowledge is sadly in the negative. One day soon, your prints will come. But not these days from a dark room. 

Tipp Hex


Thank you photon for your clever reply.  Much appreciated.



Hi Moya, there used to be a facility in the file browser to upload photos but with all the changes I don't know whether it is still possible. You can try and let me know how you fared.

Best, Luigi


Hello Luigi,

Thank  you for coming back on this.  I tried what you suggested and it does look like there is  a facility for uploading photos but I kept getting a message that went before I could read it.  I have an idea it was saying the file was too big.  Thank you anyway  and I hope you are both well.  Hope to see you at York in September.

Moya x