Advice needed
I wonder if anyone can advise me?
I have been contacted by an editor of a new short story anthology after they saw a story of mine on a website. They have expressed an interest and asked me to contribute. They offer no payment and ask that the authors of the submissions they print pay shipping and handling for a copy of the anthology containing their story. I have checked out their website and I am not sure what to make of them. Can anyone tell me if I am being over cautious or if I am looking a gift-horse in the mouth?
Although I am flattered at the approach, I am a novice when it comes to publishing in print, having only had work published in e-zines. I am reluctant to send off a story I worked hard on to an unknown address with the possibility of never knowing if it is in print unless I shell out my own money to see this. Please can someone tell me if they heard of these collections or if the above is accepted practice...
The website is, is external)
I am wondering if perhaps they rely on the author buying copies for friends and family as they charge around £15 (lot of money for a paperback) exc S & H.