Unreported World. Putin’s Family Values. Channel 4, 7pm. Director Jessica Kay, Presented by Marcel Theroux.
Posted by celticman on Sat, 25 Mar 2017
Just when you thought you’d seen enough of writer, producer and documentary maker Louis Theroux his brother Marcel pops up in Russia in a programme about Putin’s Family Values. There are two narratives here, one which we in the West will no doubt be familiar with. Tatanya is the Russian matriarch who opens her heart and opens her home. She has adopted 48 children and is currently fostering another 28. Six-year-old Kostya, for example, was abandoned on the streets by his alcoholic parents and brought to Tatanya three days later to care for him. Five-year old Kolya has a bad squint and even worse temper tantrums. He was adopted by a family with his other three siblings, but returned to Tatanya. Kolya really wants to go to Kindergarten with the other children and the camera follows him there with Tatanya. She complains she doesn’t get enough money from the state to feed the kids in her care. From what we see the house is dilapidated, but the kids playing in the basement seem happy (there’s no way of knowing if they are unhappy).
Ivan Osaki is a Patriarch of the Russian Orthordox Church in Cossack County near the River Don, on the borders of the Ukraine. He is the face of Russia Putin wants the West to see. He lives in a palatial home with his 18 children, their ages ranging from seven to thirty-three. He also has 25 grandchildren, and his sons are also Patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. His lifestyle is sponsored by the billionaires who cashed in on the breakup of the Soviet Union and ‘liberalised’ its assets. They include Konstantin Maleeov a banker with Kremlin connections, who has also set up Russia’s first Christian TV channel. Alexander Dugen a Putin cheerleader and—for the moment—a supporter of President Trump’s conservative values. Ivan Osaki’s wife, Nadeszhda, jokes that she went on maternity leave twenty-eight years ago and has been pregnant pretty much every year since then. Her services to the Russian state has been rewarded with Order for Parental Glory.
My reading of this is Russia’s population has been shrinking since the size of the economy halved with liberalisation and the gap between the rich and poor was once those in the Kremlin drove a Skoda and had six times the income of their comrades. Now there’s a unhealthy Western-style gap between rich and poor, with the latter choosing to have fewer children. The Order for Parental Glory – for good parents – has similarities with the Cross of Honour the Nazi Party gave to mothers who produced four or more children. The annexation of parts of Ukraine because the so-called majority of their citizens speak Russian has similarities with the Anschluss between Austria and Germany and the annexation of countries bordering the enlarged state. But you’d need to go back to Tolstoy’s War and Peace and read Nicholas Rostov’s sycophantic ravings such as ‘Oh God, what would happen to me if the Emperor spoke to me?’ thought Rostov, ‘I should die of happiness’, to appreciate the mind-sets and public pronouncements of Patriarch’s like Osaki that call Putin their father.
The strong man isn’t a uniquely Russian trait. The moron’s moron in the Whitehouse plays the same role. And both strong men seek to turn back the clock and put women firmly in their place. In America Trump seeks to appoint judges that will repeal Roe v Wade and take all federal funding from clinics that sanction abortion. Maleeov’s Christian commentators on television call for the sanctity of private property, no interference from the state in family life and compare abortions to the practices of Nazi doctors in the Death Camps. Money talks and conservatism speaks very loudly, women are not only different from men, they are lesser than men.
Yuval Noah Harari epigram in Sapiens about the crime of married rape, for example, being an oxymoron ‘as illogical as saying that a man stole his own wallet’ sums it up exactly. The proposed bill to decriminalise domestic violence in the Russian Duma supported by Maleeov was passed into Russian law. Men, of course, don’t get off Scot free. It will cost them around 5000 roubles (£70) if they are found guilty of beating their wife and 7000 roubles for beating their children. Harari cites precedents from among other books the Bible, if a man meets a virgin and rapes her he must pay fifty shekels to the father of the virgin and then marry her. Nobody can argue with the laws of the bible or the laws of the market. Both are God given. The world is becoming a much smaller and harsher place for poor women.
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Yes, in many parts of the
Yes, in many parts of the modern world, the clock is moving backwards for poor women.
And also here in Britain
And also here in Britain elsie. It makes me splutter when there is some programme about mental health issues or domestic abuse and afterwords they flash up a phone number to call if you have those issues - while systematically taking away from funding for the few services that did exist.
Very true, Exeter lost its
Very true, Exeter lost its women's refuge a few years back. It was a known and trusted service, women had often simply heard of it as 'the Safe House'. Also the local mental health centre in Exmouth until recently had a couple of morning drop-in sessions which were open to anyone. Now it is open to referrals only. It also changed its name about a year back from Exmouth Rethink Mental Illness to Exmouth Community Opportunities Trust.
I have for long time trying
I have for long time trying to understand were russia is today. Clearly not in communism died a long time ago in russia and thas good thing as far as me so I thought forever that the russian people detested nazism more than anything else in this world ok look at russia today proudly patriotic not like gays different religions or different cour skinned people if u know the right people doors open and vast weallth. I not really need to use big clinical indepth focused intelligent analysis to explain my views I could if pushed but why should I if you were to askk me were russia is today in the form of a national political and social ideology I would say at the arse. End of neo capitilism heading towards outright facist state dictatorship and this were I need to be carefull just because they facist dicpots need not mean nazists no not all but the internet makes the world smaller every day incase u dont know globlewarming has told our govts no more snow on the alps within.sixty years probably sooner rainfall in the future is a big concern our atmosphere is changing the big issue russia has is to remain a stable power all people need to be fed but when the dark days come and if crops fail and then it is up to good friends to share foods who will want to share or help a nation of facists neandethrols. Worlds intelligence says the new world if it is going to survive will be liberal in value but russia is wallking the opposite way. The kgb aint fools they not going to let a power mad gleet put there whole nation in danger. The days of the billionares club are coming to an end. Mr putin be aware but still there a place for u too if u want to fit .
The prophecy is that an
One day the people shall unite.