I am in the Club
Posted by Ray Schaufeld on Tue, 22 Feb 2022
I am in the Covid Club.
I tested positive this morning. I have notified everyone I can possibly think of. I have posted a big Covid notice on my front window displaying my positive test and told everyone who reads it to stay away from my house until I remove my notice.
I am staying at home for at least five days.
My covid app tells me to self-isolate for 11 days.
The government is now removing all restrictions including those for people in my situation this Thursday.
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Rachel - I'm so sorry to hear
Rachel - I'm so sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you get well soon and that the symptoms aren't too horrible. Take care! xx
Thanks for your good wishes,
Thanks for your good wishes, Claudine. I am well. I might even mop my kitchen and sitting room floors today or even tomorrow.
BTW I test myself with a lateral lfow test every Tuesday because I play in a ukulele group in Exeter and we have all agreed to self test as many of our members who play uke and sing are over 60, including myself (I'm 65) and we meet in the Social Club of Devon County Hall. Before I tested I was not aware of any symptoms. I now am aware of a very mild sore throat.
I have had 2 vax and I had my booster on November 9 last year. It appears to have worked for three and a half months. I shall have another booster if I am offered one.
I'm sorry to hear your news
I'm sorry to hear your news Rachel, hope you're not suffering too badly with this covid and you get well very soon.
Thanks for your kind wishes
Thanks for your kind wishes Jenny, I am not suffering at all.
it's not a club I want to
it's not a club I want to belong to. get well sone. And be sensible. Don't try and get into Australia and play any tennis championships.
How very dare you
How very dare you try to give me advice, CM. I can beat old Novax Djokovic all moonlight long. and that's from within my courtyard real ten-ball minigarden at home in Exmouth, East Devon.
BTW thanks for the good wishes.
On Wednesday I had a good
On Wednesday I had a good chat on my landline with Julian, the Devon County Council track and trace officer. Julian said I did not need to stay at home. I can go out provided I stay six feet away from other people whenever possible.
I am following his wise advice.
From Wednesday onwards I have felt very well and I continue to thrive.
Glad to hear things are going
Glad to hear things are going well with you Rachel!
This morning my lateral flow
This morning my lateral flow test is negative!!!
Me too, Elsie :0) Glad to
Me too, Elsie :0) Glad to hear you are all clear, now. Am not really understanding guidance. Still have symptoms over a week since getting the temperature. Presumeably should not leave the house so long as coughing etc, do you think?
Hi Di Hard
Hi Di Hard
I wish you a speedy recovery
Lateral flow will show whats what
If you have a cough use a hanky or if no hanky cough into your hand
Outdoor fresh air is good
All the very best
Rach xxx
Stay strong- you will be alright
xxx rache
Thankyou very much for your
Thankyou very much for your positivity and encouragement :0) I hope you are completely well now? I feel much better today, went out and the sun was shining! You take care of yourself xxx