More drinking don'ts.
Don't snog him that looks like one of them fit footballers after copious amounts of voddie ...coz he doesn't.
Don't tell Debs-the-Dyke that if you were that way inclined you'd deffinately 'give-her-one' because she'll spend the next three weeks trying to get you 'that way inclined' (sorry Debs if you read this, you're a gorgeous person, but I still don't fancy you)
don't sing ... I mean it, don't sing.
Don't decide to walk the eight miles home coz it'll be fun .. believe me it isn't.
And if you do ... don't get half way home and decide to nip into the 24/7 and play with the free car-wash. Yes it was a warm evening *before* you had the shower--it was bloody freezing afterwards, and the chaps from your wet thighs rubbing together for six miles were'nt pretty the next morning.
If you decide to doss on a friend's setee just rember that you haven't brought any clean underwear for the next morning and you have to get home in that see-through shirt. Yes the nipple plasters seem like a good idea at the time, but just give thought to the intense pain of tender nipples after you pull the buggers off ... If you have a double D chest make sure that your mate has BIG plasters to hand.
The three am BMX race was a good idea .. but remember that those wheelie bins are out to get you, and casualty staff find anything funny by six thirty when you finally get patched up.
cartwheels down the Forton services food queue get you thrown out ... this leaves you very hungry.
Once your child has past the age eighteen barrier, it's wonderful to go for a pint with him. It's even better when you casually meet up with him in a nightclub and can go up to him with your arms spread wide and say "Mammy's pissed bless me" but watch out for the phrase "Me mam's paying"
If you are a care in the Community nurse don't go to work with a raging hangover and galloping vertigo the next morning. It's not fun getting stuck in a clients stannah, and can be quite alarming for the client.
Before you indulge in that twelth double vodka just remember the first call the next morning involves enemas and excretia.