........AHHHHHHHH RV we've been expecting you.......
said stroking his white cat....in a hidden complex....as he is about to take over the world.....ha ha !!!!
Hooray ! Blimey, we are all anonymous now. A feeling of unease comes over me, like being in the film "The Thing" and wondering which of my colleagues is the killer alien.
martin, I was one of the few that saw that thread. how could I ever forget?
mississippi, read up one gift.
linsi, the joke was about daz = darren. ok?
I was obviously too cryptic for my own good in my choices of presence.
yes, andrea, I've blown it but, unlike haddock, I haven't had my chips yet.
this camper van smells fishy
www.theplanet.co.uk is a e-technology consultant type website. I had suspected it might be another fiction site, looking for plugs, like Idon'tknowwhattoreadunlesssomeonetellsmeto.com
Might it be a by-product of the system tweaks this week Emily ?