anyone want to come see my movie

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anyone want to come see my movie

We're showing it tomorrow (Saturday 6th August 2005 that is), at the Curzon Soho, at 6pm. It's free.

It's about half an hour long, written by yours truly, and features real actors, a few naughty words, quite a lot of fake blood, and over forty zombies.

If you want to come along, get in touch.


ooh, it worked! see website for detals if you're coming, let us know at


this thing won't let me post urls, but if you click on my name it will tell you the Too Many Monkeys web address, see there for details. if you are coming let us know at


oh, it did let me post it despite the error message I feel slightly silly now


You were in London? We could have met for muffins and tea!


What movie are you talking about?

Tyler King

How will I recognise you, will you be wearing a red rose?


I shall be the one quaking with barely controlled panic. There will be at least one of us hanging around not too far from the bar at the entrance to the cinema with a vaguely official looking list of names.


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