Hello Sailor by polidori

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Hello Sailor by polidori

The old gay-speak of the forbidden years provides a wonderful source of language - and this poem by polidori milks it dry. Go varda:


The dialect is laid on so thick, it feels like a parody. It works, though. Made me laugh, anyway.
I like this kind of stuff (I did a similar thing recently with thieves' cant but nobody noticed!) I agree that it maybe needs to be spaced out a little more though - it does feel rather like a conscious effort to cram as many of the old words in there as possible. But the fact that it's still easy to follow is much to the credit of the author. Maybe do the same again with a less flippant subject matter? Something dark?
Thank you TC for the nod, and Sean and Jack as well. Back in the time of Life on Mars I worked for a firm in Covent Garden where most of the staff were out of work actors, although really they were just ‘earning a little pin money whilst in between productions, darling’. It’s where I learnt polari. It was probably the worst paid job ever, but what a gas - so much fun. It is over the top, but well, so where these guys. Jack, your idea to take this into a dark place intrigues me and I’m also off to catch your ‘Thieves’. Thanks all and I’m pleased it put a smile on yer dolly old eek.
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