Worst towns and cities to drive in the UK - excluding London
London is excluded because it's a special case.
But what are your nominations for worst place to drive in the UK. And why?
I'll start, and I doubt anyone can beat this.
Croydon surely deserves the award for being the most hellish place for UK motorists. The town's road network in recent years has become a total life threatening mess.
Almost every crossroads or roundabout in the town centre presents the hapless driver with confusing and poorly thought out signs and often highly dangerous options.
There are places in Croydon where it appears there is nowhere for the poor motorist to go. Turn left and there's a no entry sign. Turn right and you are likely to be mown down by a tram. And all the signage suggests you can't go straight either.
Your only option is to do a U turn and double back on yourself.
At junction after junction you are faced with bewildering, blood pressure raising choices. Sometimes it's not even clear where the road ends and the tram lines begin.
If the town planners had deliberately set out to create a crap road network and nightmarish experience for drivers they couldn't have done a better job.
And it's not much better on foot either.
Do yourself a favour and avoid Croydon.
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The All New Pepsoid the Second!
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