RTavs and spack get Story and Poem of the Week

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RTavs and spack get Story and Poem of the Week

A fine duo of pieces. spack's extraordinary poem will remain with me for a long time.

A new Inspiration Point as well - and one that might suit the more literary amongst you!

Joe, I loved your poem. Reminds of my times on the underground in Japan. That kind of thing's the thing over there. Sorry, haven't had time to read the story yet.....


Cool! Thanks Tony and Drew. Glad you liked it. I've been performing this poem quite a lot recently - it's fun to read. Inevitably it gets its best reaction in London but, interesting Drew that you say it reminds you of the undreground in Japan. Cheers, Joe
thanks for the honor of story of the week!!! i really appreciate it, and would love any comments/suggestions from other readers!! -rtavs (excellent poem, joe)
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