Best Of The Net 2009

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Best Of The Net 2009

Does anyone know the probity of this website/publication:

We could nominate poetry and short fiction that has been featured in the Magazine for possible inclusion in their annual anthology, if it is worthwhile.

Why not? 'Each entry may include up to six poems and two stories for consideration...' Who chooses what gets submitted?
Not me!
Perhaps macjoyce will volunteer?
I do hope so.
It is down to the Editor to make the submission (though not necessarily the choices). The site appears to be American and I don't have a brilliant track record of selecting material suitable for that market. As the saying goes, we are 'separated by a common language', which seems to be particularly true of poetry. What I wanted to know is how prestigious or high profile this site is. Whether there is any 'value' in seeking to be published there.
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