Guest Editor

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Guest Editor

No-one has yet signed up to be a Guest Editor for an issue of ABCtales Magazine.

There has been only one expression of interest - but that person has not replied to my subsequent e-mails.

Nor have there been any suggestions for content.

This is an opportunity to highlight the writing you like, to award your own alternative 'cherries', to demonstrate your superior taste and discernment.

Help keep the Magazine fresh and alive. Volunteer today.

Or don't.

I would be very interested although does the editor need to have had any experience or be a particular age?


Enthusiasm and committment are more important. A willingness to trawl the site for content. Some basic organisational skills. Help and advice are available from the WilkyBarKid. (Don't be put off by his annoying jingle.) '... and only the best is good enough...'
I work as a designer and would be interested in being 'guest designer' if that's possible? Pascal
After a bit of experimentation, the visual 'design' of the Magazine has settled down into something quite functional, which echoes the look of the website, doesn't distract from the words and keeps the file size reasonable. But a fresh look for 2010 would be welcome. I always have a problem sourcing appropriate graphics from the public domain and would like to try something more adventurous with the typesetting, perhaps.
Do you have an email address I can send some examples of what I had in mind?
Go on folks - give it a whirl! Don't feel that you have to have any special skills - you will discover that judging material is more difficult than you thought but finally it comes down to what rocks your boat. If you've got a bit of time free this year then sign up!
If you click on the name of the person - in this case ABCtalesmag - then it will take you to their home page. Then click on the 'contact' tab and you can email them directly!
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