18.11.11 Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

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18.11.11 Story, Poem and Inspiration Point of the Week

Congrats go to Leander42 and Archie Maqcjoyce this week and the IP is a touch more complex than usual - but I hope it will get the little grey cells going!

Do be warned - the poem contains very strong language.




As always, comments on the nominations and suggestions or ideas for next week are very welcome.

Archie, Leander my congratulations also.


'Watch out Ol' Mac he is back.' And a good job too!
I have read and commented on Leander's story. Excellent choice for story of the week. I'm not qualified to comment on the poem, though inhabe bookmarked it for a read later. Well done to both! Alex
^ I have
I'm chuffed to bits - and feeling rather humbled. Poem of the week. Now story of the week. And there's so much good writing here. Now I have to pay back over the weekend by reading lots of posts and making comments - which on this site is actually a pleasure.


Tell them, in your own soft and gentle way, that they are possibly misguided. Most of the best writing ever could be classified as 'self indulgent'. If we don't write about our own experiences then we will never write honestly and if we don't write honestly then we will probably not write well.
Archie, Whilst I wouldn't dream of comparing anyone to him, Tolkien was described as incredibly self indulgent when writing Lord of the Rings, as indeed he was. He even said he wrote it for himself, never intending it for publication. Just for his love of writing and language. So don't worry about some random facebooker. You are obviously doing something right! Alex
Only twice? Jeez, that must be some sort of record...no sucking, then? :) http://www.ukauthors.com
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