Editing help - here's the rub.
We all need a bit of help with editing, making our stories a little better, and a lot sharper. I’m certainly no exception to that rule. We often project what we think we mean onto the page. It’s often easier for someone else to pick up the faults and fault lines in our story. We need that other reader to see what we cannot.
What I propose is to offer my editing skills. Pledge to Lily Poole (http://unbound.co.uk/books/lily-poole )and send me your story
odonnelljack52@gmail.com and I’ll make suggestions about how to make it stronger.
If you are wondering how much you should pledge, well, look around you. Google a few sites. Pledge what you think is fair.
I pledge to return your story, with a full critique within seven days (unless, of course, it’s that novel you had stored in your hard drive, where you should be looking at the largest pledge and a longer time frame).
I will return whatever money you have pledged if you feel the critique is inadequate, or just doesn’t do it for you.
I will also return your pledge if, when you get your copy of Lily Poole you’re disappointed and would simply like your money back. That’s win-win. So take a chance and pledge-pledge. You’ve nothing to lose.
CM, this is a good idea and if I am ever in search of an editor I would take up your offer. However as a part-time retail assistant I would like to offer you some suggestions on the language of marketing.
When offering to provide a service make everything sound positive. So one alternative to the words 'faults and fault lines' might be find a more sunnyside option eg 'As an editor I will help you to bring out the best in your work, highlighting it's creative strengths. Sometimes it may help if some parts of a story are shortened or cut and others developed. An outside perspective can help'. 'Passion' is a marketing buzzword so you could say 'I have a passion for writing and editing.' It's true, you do.
If you see my suggestions as baloney I shall not take offence.
I have never edited anyone's work and I wish you well.
You're right elsie. I don't take offence and baloney sounds like my kind of food.I have done quite a bit of editing. Some of it has been with prize winners who have Masters and distinctions in Creative Writing. Some of it has been with minimal education, but a good story to tell (not that I'm saying they're naturally exclusive). I'm just trying to give, in marketing parlance, 'value,' something for nothing.
Hello celtic,
I am going to take you up on your offer. It sounds a great idea and I need all the help I can get so I will dig out one of my short stories that I am not happy with. . There's plenty of choice and I will pledge again but I intended to do that anyway so I feel a bit as if I am taking advantage.
cheers Moya, I'm having problems with the internet, but I won't have any problems with helping you with your story.
Sent it to me any time you like
Hiya Jack,
I am having problems connecting too at the moment. I have got a new PC and it has Windows 8.1 but I am used to XP so keep doing things wrong. Tonight I had message saying something couldn't complete something and that I couldn't send or receive.. It's a foreign language to me but whatever I did I seem to have one email a/c working now.. Will send story asap once I have decided on one.
I've been offline too Moya. Pain in the... no problem. Look forward to receiving it.
Great idea and I have just taken a punt, though you may be relieved to know I've no stories to send you, right now. But you're nearly halfway -- glass half-full, right??
Best of luck to you -- you'll be there before you know it.
thanks Lena, it was a good idea, but like many other of them - no takers! Perhaps a little reminder. Thanks for your support and thanks for your input.