Surprisingly good stuff.
Mon, 2001-05-21 15:02
Surprisingly good stuff.
I went to see Sigue Sigue Sputnik recently and instead of being the utter rubbish I was expecting, they were really bloody good! They seem to have learned to play their instruments so I urge you to go to their website at and catch 'em live too.
They have not paid me for this plug but since I had so much fun, I thought I'd "share the wealth!"
do you work for the library service?
Sorry, Wolfie, wrong site.
This a football chatgroup, la.
i cant imagine sigue ever being any good, cant see how learning instruments helps their case
mersey you bounder ... you know very well that this is a poodle fanciers chatgroup
Poodle Fanciers?
Oh, God, I'm on the Man U site!
Yeah,I'm a library person but don't hold it against me. I'm not the sort to dress all in grey.
HEY there is only one Rock band
And they a the great (UFO)
UFO? Blimey. Are they still going? I think I'd rather hear the chugging synth-bass of Sigue Sigue Sputnik than UF-bleeding O! Infact,I think I'd rather hear the music that BT play when they put you on hold than UFO! Nothing personal,but really?!?!? UFO? OK,I've typed UFO enough now. I think the message has been received.
wolfson ... ivory would like you to know that some of the most depraved people she counts among her friends are library persons no fear of grey suit stereotyping from ms. fishbone
Not a fan then.
probably not. I like Tiny Tim.