Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

I stayed in on Saturday night and watched this film. Has anybody else seen it?

Now I can go along with the dubbed voices. That's par for the course with any martial arts film. I can even live with the fact that most of the charcters appear to be able to fly - or at least leap over buildings. As we're really nothing but energy, it may well be possible to alter the vibrations of our body to such a level that we actually become lighter. I don't know this.

But what really got to me was that there's no discernable plot to speak of. The movie appears to be something to do with trying to recapture a lost sword by the name of Green Jade. But until you get used to the characters, they all look the same, so you're uncertain who the goodies and badies are. Then a character appears who's some sort of desert bandit, and he hangs around for about half an hour, although I wasn't too sure why. And I wasn't too sure why the girl was in the desert in the first place. Nor really whether she was a goody or baddy.

Worse than that, I seemed to drink myself into a stupor while the movie was on. Now I very rarely drink at home unless we have company, but on Saturday night I really developed a taste for it. Am I in danger of becoming an alcoholic, or does this movie just have that effect on people?

Anonymous's picture
I fell asleep after 15 mins, perhaps I shouldh've got drunk too!
Anonymous's picture
Crouching tigers/ hidden dragons/ pink elephants?To get really drunk, see...hic...i've forgotten...
Anonymous's picture
When did this become a film appreciation site anyway? Eh? Get a grip people!!! It's a GREAT film're all Philistines!
furious fists o...
Anonymous's picture
main dude retires - hands on ancient ceremonial sword (essential for "super sword style", see jackie chan earlies like dragon lord) - sword stolen by disciple of green jade, infamous ninja thief - old flame of main guy and main guy chase after her - disciple meets her old flame (from half hour segment) says no we cant get together sweetheart - confrontation in trees - disciple injured - tracked back to lair - green jade has poisoned her because she usurped her role as ultimate kung fu master - green jade versus main guy - he gets poisoned - everyone goes aw because now him and old flame cant get back - disciple (having been all right person really) jumps off a cliff inexplicably while her old flame watches. simple
Anonymous's picture
Funnily enough, I watched Crouching Tiger on Saturday night and also got drunk but, as my girlfriend informed me, I also got drunk while watching Spartacus, Citizen Kane, Spinal Tap, Gladiator, 6th Day; Withnail and I, What Lies Beneath and Meet The Parents this month. I am in danger of becoming an alcoholic. I did find that alcohol with Crouching Tiger made it easier to watch though.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Sounds like a good film. I'll have to get it out. What happens after he jumps off the cliff? Surely if he can fly, he just kind of flys to next to the next cliff. I think my challenge while watching it for the first time was that I climbed into a bottle at the beginning and didn't crawl out again until way past the end. On second thoughts, don't tell me the ending, it'll spoil it.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Au contraire was a fantastic film...who cares about the was beautiful, exciting, sexy.....I loved it.
Karl Wiggins
Anonymous's picture
Are you sure you weren't drunk when watching it, Martin? Or rather, are you sure you're not drunk now? I must admit to enjoying the fighting/flying scenes, though. At least I think I did.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Oh karl, are you sure you weren't looking for amusing number plates ? (see other thread) Different horses for different courses, I loved the film, stone cold sober, I'm sure I'd enjoy it a whole lot more if I was drunk. Yours Soberly Martin T
Craig A
Anonymous's picture
hey people. i think that poor old Karl has got his wires crossed. what actually happened is that he thinks he was drunk because the film is kind of like that, a slightly jumbled plot and lots of people floating would certainly convince me i was a tad drunk! Its perhaps true the film is never going to win any awards for its plot but then again which martial arts films could? I highly recommend buying the DVD version, then you can skip past all the madness in the desert and just get to some of the best fight seens in cinematic history. Now if you want to feel really drunk watching a film try watching momento, now that will convince you your pissed!
dc. aitchison
Anonymous's picture
two days before my girlfriend was due to go back to germany for the summer, i got this film out, thinking we'll have a jolly nice lounge on the couch with the obligatory bottle of wine. i had a lot of the hype running round my head as it began, ya know the stuff - beautiful photography, stunning martial arts sequences, and whatnot... as soon as the characters started to fly, i laughed out loud. truly. i couldn't see the wires, nope, but they still looked like they were strung up on wires with their arses up in the air. they leapt like they were arse-powered. home made jet propulsion. after that, the appeal kinda waned. i had been really looking forward to it too. ang lee you let me down. git. i want my rental money back.
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
I think possibly you need a touch of imagination to enjoy this film, suspension of reality, etc, it could be seen as a dance movie with some fighting thrown in.....I can't praise it enough......get it out on dvd,video, betamax it and make your own minds up (I have no connection with the prodcers by the way!!)
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