Is it just me?

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Is it just me?

I've been away for a while with one thing and another, and now find I can't get into ABCTales at all. Is it just me? A problem with my computer perhaps?

The reason I ask is that I used to like to read others' stories and poems and now I can't.

Incidentally, because I've been away for a while with one thing and another, I haven't got back to some people on some things that I should've. Sorry to you (who know who you are) and full emails and explanations / excuses to follow this week.



Anonymous's picture
On the search results page, click on the second abctales down. [%sig%]
Anonymous's picture
Try again later this afternoon, I think changes might be afoot...
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
The changeover to the new ABCtales is currently taking place. On Friday evening the old site was got ready for lockout to read-only while the technical people sucked all the content out of it and into the new website. This was planned to take a few days and is going to schedule. It was the intention that the old site would remain viewable, read-only, with a front page explaining all that was going on and promising a new site early this week. Because of circumstances beyond the control of the technical people, the old site cannot be seen at the moment. There is still a little work to do on the new ABCtales and we will have it up and working as soon as possible. We cannot set a deadline right now. Apologies to all for this hiatus in service but as I have said before, it will be worth waiting for. Stephen Gardiner ABCtales.
Anonymous's picture
You should never do these kinds of things during a Mercury retrograde phase, Stephen. Wait until after mid-August, unless you like glitches, snarls, and snafus. Or doing things over again. At the least, back everything up in triplicate. *checks calendar* *nods* *taps pen on desk*
david floyd
Anonymous's picture
"Wait until after mid-August, unless you like glitches, snarls, and snafus. Or doing things over again." We love all these things. We are experts in all of them.
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I reckoned that the discovery of a hitherto unknown tenth planet augered well for the big changeover. But what to I know about heavenly bodies?
Albert hedge trimmer
Anonymous's picture
Experts are drips under pressure. So it all sounds like heavenly bollocks, to me!
Anonymous's picture
"This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required." Glitch, Snarl, or Snafu? I think pip-pip pressed the button which says "Do not press this button." [%sig%]
John H
Anonymous's picture
None of the above. That's the new site, in place but locked while it's being tested/final data checks are being done. Not long now.
Lawnmower Man
Anonymous's picture
*Tips Liana's goat onto its head* *Tips it back* *Scratches head and shrugs shoulders* *Lights up match and turns head away* ????? Wait for it ???????
Oh boy, at last, a new site. New look forums. Testing with trepidation.
log in

Tyler King

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