Political Correctness Gone Mad
Last month a vet in Leeds was warned by the West Yorkshire Police Force that he could be arrested for breach of the peace for flying a flag that has been carried into battle by kings and infantrymen alike for over 700 years since the days of Richard the Lionheart. The vet describes himself in the following manner:
I am former soldier with 26 years service, (including boy service) I'm in full-time employment, am married to a school teacher, have a young family, pay my taxes and bills and own my own home and, with the exception of driving offences, (speeding, parking) have an unblemished record. I do not belong to any political party and keep myself to myself.
He goes on to explain that, "It appears that someone who walked past my house over the weekend has reported that she finds seeing the national flag of this country 'uncomfortable' and has surmised that I am clearly a racist and should be stopped from doing so.
How can anyone find the national flag of the country she's in 'uncomfortable'? That's like me going to Spain on holiday and being offended by the Spanish flag!l
In Telford, Shropshire, the local council has banned the use of the term 'Christmas Lights' and has instead decided to call them 'Winter or Celebrity Lights' in order not to offend the local Muslim community.
The St. George Cross has been banned in Wakefield Prison because it could offend murderers and rapists of foreign origin.
Halifax and Nat West banks have banned piggy banks because there's a danger of them upsetting Muslims, who don't eat pork.
I have a question; in a multi-cultural society, shouldn't we learn to celebrate our differences instead of fear them?
We drove through Southall last night and pointed out all the Indian shops to our son. He was clearly interested, so we stopped the car and went for a walk, buying ourselves some Indian sweets and checking out various Indian goods from Saris to the Diwali decorations that line the streets at this time of year. I wasn't offended in the slightest, and neither was our son for he's asked to go back during the day and investigate Southall some more.
There's a house little more than a mile from us that every year puts on a fantastic display of lights. It's a large house and the people obviously have shed loads of money. All the lights are white, no colours at all, and it's a joy to drive past at Christmas time. We've always wondered why they seem to put the lights out early, but haven't really thought much about it. Yet it appears they're Americans and the lights aren't to celebrate Christmas at all! They're Thanksgiving lights!
So here's the crux; these are AMERICANS celebrating THEIR festival in ENGLAND ' as well they should, why not? ' with no risk of arrest. But when an ENGLISHMAN celebrates being ENGLISH in ENGLAND, he's in danger of ending up in court.