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So many movies are out there. I love books, I have read tons of books but if there's anything I love more than a good book, is a good movie. Some have even inspired me to write. Now the reason I post this is to find out, what kind of movies do you like? Do you have any favorites? Have any inspired you to write? I look forward to any replies. Thank you all and happy new year!

I can't believe that no one else has posted to this. What a great topic! The best movie I've seen in a long time is "Dogville". I saw this movie a few weeks ago and it was almost unbearable to watch. It's a very minimalistic movie and it dragged horribly--Three hours! The story is about the sadistic abuse of an innocent girl (Nicole Kidman). Very difficult to watch, and I almost gave up several times, both out of tedium and disgust. Then--I caught the ending. Wow! The last five minutes of this move serves up one of the most powerful conclusions I've ever seen. I've watched Dogville twice since then (no small feat, given the length of the movie), and many days later I'm still thinking about this story. I've been trying to write something that would capture the movie's intensity, but so far I've come up short. # BTW Mike, your stuff is consistently great. Please keep it up!
months ago I put Hell In The Pacific (with Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune) on the rental list thing and it finally turned up the day I got home after going away for xmas, I was jetlagged, and tired, and still slightly drunk from all the free booze (they gave me more because I kindly volunteered to sit somewhere other than next to the crying baby - how much better a deal can you get), and thought, perfect, an old war movie, lee marvin, toshiru mifune, that's my afternoon sorted. I made a very strong cup of tea, located some chocolate cake, and lay down on the sofa. Only it turned out to be a not particuarly interesting documentary about WWII. "Where is Toshiro Mifune!" I shouted at the television and promptly logged in to the rental thing website to see what had gone wrong. I had definitely asked for the right dvd, and they only had the one dvd called "Hell In The Pacific", only it turned out it wasn't the dvd they thought it was. I watched In Which We Serve instead and promptly fell asleep.
Wow II've never heard of any of these movies and I have 400 at home. I'll have to check it out. If you wanna hear god laugh tell him your plan. It's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who you're not.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

Freddy Got Fingered.

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

I love Freddy got fingered...."You can't hurt me- not with my...cheese helmet!" The three best movies I have seen: -Flightplan -Walk the Line -Million Dollar Baby

Tyler King


The Butterfly Effect Jacobs Ladder The Keep (mainly because I loved the book so much)
I confess to being an enormous Matrix-fan. I also have an occasional secret hankering for obscure Australian comedies... which Billy Connolly seems to feature in oddly frequently! - e.g. 'The Man Who Sued God' - genius!! :-) * P * :-)

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I caught Taxi Driver on TV the other night for about the 8th time. If there's a better depiction of someone fallling into a psychotic breakdown, I've yet to see it. I don't think De Niro has been better. And being the type of guy who's in touch with his feminine side, I still love Manon De Source and Jean De Florette. Those two filme have everything. Love, Hope, Despair, Skulduggery, Loss and - oh yes - the French countryside.


Saw Brokeback Mountain today. A huge story, and so inspiring I had to have egg and chips in the Pavllion cafe afterwards.


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