Good prizes on Booktribes this week!

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Good prizes on Booktribes this week!

Write the best comment or review … and discover The Meaning of Life!

Starting Monday April 30th for seven days, the writer of the best comment or review on booktribes in the previous 24 hours will win a copy of I am, Therefore I Think: Philosophers answer questions about love, nothingness and everything else. Published by Sceptre 17th May 2007 at £12.99

In this book, twenty philosophers from universities around the world answer real readers’ most difficult questions. They address dilemmas and queries on every subject, from adultery and the afterlife, to ethics and existentialism, God, sex, suicide and war. They even address the question, ‘Why can’t philosophers agree?’ Other topics include:

- Is it irrational to fear death?

- What is art?

- Should education be a means to an end?

- Can a good deed ever offset a bad one?

- Who will win the Premier League title?

Just kidding about that last one.

Questions come from readers who have logged on to and are answered by philosophers from universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford and Colombia. To date, there have been 4,000 questions received and 1,600 daily hits on the site.

Alexander George from Amhert College, Massachusetts is the editor of this book and founder of the website. Proceeds from the book will go to the Ask Philosophers Fund, which supports children’s educational charities.