It's talking gobbledeegook at me again.

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It's talking gobbledeegook at me again.

What does this mean please.

warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, 'search_theme_form' was given in /home/sites/ on line 217.
warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argumented is expected to be a valid callback, 'search_block_form' was given in /home/sites/ on line 217.

I think it translates as 'Take Me To Your Leader'. Tony's fame has obviously slipped through that Torchwood rift in Cardiff, to another dimension and beyond...
It is also not loading my newest chapter-or rather, has and claims not to have done so :\
It means that the first argument passed to the call_user_func_array function was not a valid callback, the poor call_user_func_array function was expecting a valid callback as a first argument and doesn't know what to do with whatever it got (an invalid callback one assumes) and has therefore thrown a tizzy. According to google the call_user_func_array function calls the function in the first argument with the array of arguments in the second argument (which, presumably, was just fine in this case) - quite why you would want a function that calls a function for you rather than just calling the function yourself is a bit of a mystery to me, but then php isn't really my thing. You did ask.


And now it's fixed! We need a serious overhaul of the server and I am getting a price on it right now.
Maddan, the message was confusing enough, your explanation was waaaaay beyond me. But thank you for clearing that up :-)


I'm sure e can all live with the odd hitch for a few days Tony.


Jacobea - I've just had the same experience. It told me I had made a fatal error. Criticism from fellow writers I can take...but from the site itself...?? Maddan's explanation reminded me of that Marx Brothers scene (can't remember which film) about 'The party of the first part...' in a contract. It ends with Chico's triumphant exclamation: 'There ain't no Sanity Clause!'
"Maddan's explanation reminded me of that Marx Brothers scene (can't remember which film) about 'The party of the first part...' in a contract. It ends with Chico's triumphant exclamation: 'There ain't no Sanity Clause!'" It's 'A Night At The Opera': and it was spooky to scroll down and read your comment as it was exactly what I thought of when I read Maddan's translation from Geek to Greek. What a film!
You shouldn't be getting the message any more. Hit your refresh button and it should disappear - if it doesn't then let me know!
Isn't that the same extract that whatshisface repeated when he became distressed in Rainman?


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