10 Signs, by yan

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10 Signs, by yan


I just re-read this, thought it was great, and wondered whatever happened to yan, who was on here about two years ago, when I was still 'galfreda'. Does anyone know?

Ladle x

Yes, Ladle, it is a good piece, sad and honest. I'm fairly sure Yan was around a few months ago - but time flies - and he's probably just hibernating and will spring back in Spring :O)
Ah well, it now has a very belated cherry. Thanks for pointing it out!
Hooray for belated cherries!


Nothing wrong with them... late season fruit often tastes sweeter.
I'll take last years, next years and any others that people don't want any more. mmmmmm I love cherries! Chris ;) ;)
Thanks for pointing this piece out, it's heartbreaking.


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