We are in!
We've moved - still surrounded by boxes but we now have a glorious view of the Teign Valley to gaze upon rather than the house over the road. It's wonderful to be back in Devon but there is still a huge amount to be done.
Our main problem is getting broadband - it's going to take at least a month and that's a major pain. I am able to drive over to a mate's house and use his a couple of times a week so I shall be around on here as often as I can. In the meantime I'm afraid that Story and Poem of the Week and the regular Twitter and Facebook selections will be a little intermittent. I shall begin to do some editing as well but I would like to put on record the amazing job that our stand in Editors have done over the past few weeks - and, hopefully, will do for in the next few weeks. I am deeply grateful as the site would not have been able to keep going without them.
Right - back to unpacking boxes!
Until we feel our thoughts our thinking remains unfelt