I've always wante to be a writer,

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I've always wante to be a writer,

I've always wanted to be a writer. I'm doing a home course at the moment for short stories, I'm thinking that I should have done a novel course instead.
I really want to write, I'll get a day or so when it's all going very well, I'll have a few ideas but I can't keep it up.
I've always wanted to do this, I'm concerned my writing is rubbish and I'll never have my dream of being published come true.
I know I need to stop being so lazy and just get on with it. Any advice would be helpful.
I want a novel published one day but I'm writing short stories also because I enjoy them.

Perhaps suggesst a goal I could manage. I work part time but no set hours and in October I won't have much free time (I work in a card shop).


I was todl once I'm self-disciplined but I don't think it's true. I'm 21 that was in school at home with so many other concerns its hard.

It is hard to dedicate oneself to writing. You are doing the correct thing in starting with short stories. Keep them very shofrt to begin with, concentrate on a great plot, good characterisation and zippy, realistic dialogue. You will find writers of all different abilities on here - comment on their work and they are likely to reciprocate and comment on yours. Keep at it - write every day - use the front page Inspiration Point if you need to a spur and best of luck!
Hi Jenwales, I find I have a mental block aswell when on the computer. What I do is wake up in the middle of the night, when the mood takes me, and write out in writing pad, whatever comes into my head. Then I copy it on to the computer. Also I would also love to become a writer. But there are so many out there. And sometimes when you send a manuscript out, it does'nt even get read. I really hope you have success with your writing. Good luck. Remember never give up. Just keep trying, you never no. Jenny


Don't think that short stories are somehow a lower form of beast than novels, it's a really good way to stretch your imagination and develop your writing. My novel was originally a short story so you might well stumble upon an idea that turns into your magnum opus


just keep writing even when you look at your work and think its total crap just keep writing!! Short stories are a good way to get used to controlling plots and characters for when you sit down to your novel - take your time with it thought cause it ain't easy. I find if i hit a wall its best to put it down and do something else even write something else the answer will come. If you ever get into the zone it'll be almost as though the story writes itself; it's just using your hands good luck and don't give up no matter how many rejection slips come in
i've just finished..a215, an ou course in creative writing, it been very good,technically and for discipline. one of the things covered and in julia camerons 'the artists way', is free writing for a set amount of time....get a notebook and first thing in the morning write amything that comes into your head, i do this daily...about three pages,it opens up the unconcious and thats whats needed,technical skills can be learnt as and when. you can go over these 'morning pages' later and see what themes you are interested in and want to develope,good luck.
Thats a really good tip Yassin thanks
I've had the same problems staying focused, so it's always good to take little breaks and come back to it. Also, it's always good to have a sparring partner to relay feedback constantly so you get new ideas and better angles at a faster pace. But most importantly, don't stop writing because you go blank--just keep typing and something good will come out of it and build around that. It takes discipline more than talent.
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