Archie_Macjoyce for Prime Minister.
Mon, 2012-08-13 18:34
Archie_Macjoyce for Prime Minister.
For far too long this country has been pretty crap. For far too long Britain has had weak, pappy, pissy governments and leaders who don't know the difference between a knob, a nob and a noob, and it all has to end. Right now, no fucking messing. We need a leader who calls a spade a spade and a cauliflower a cauliflower, a leader who speaks his bloody mind and tells it how it is. We need a leader who makes us piss ourselves laughing. We need a leader capable of making Britain great again. We need Archie. Archie! Archie! Archie!
Oh, erm, um, I think you've got a point there, Stan.
Ha ha ...why don't you give it a go Walrus?
If you're suggesting that I give Archie Panjabi a go, Highhat, I admit I've been covertly thinking about it for a quite a while, but don't tell Mrs. Walrus or I'm dead meat. Seriously. She has access to a frighteningly powerful harpoon gun, and she's not frightened to bloody well use it. And she knows a number of bad-ass polar bears, so I have to make sure I stay in her good books.....
If, on the other hand, you're insinuating that I should go into politics, I really don't think I've got what it takes. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be Prime Minister, but I don't think this country is ready for a non-human leader - shit, they played their faces up when we had a woman.
And I think I'd genuinely feel guilty claiming expenses for having my moat dredged, building a new 15 storey faux medieval duck house, having my 400 room country retreat refurbished at fifty grand per room, having my private jet gold-plated or bullet-proofing my Rolls Royce. I'm a walrus of the people, you see, and I understand that there are poor people out there, people owning less than five thousand acres in the Home Counties, people without a second home, people without access to huge shoals of scrumptious hake and mackerel and swordfish, even.
Sounds as if you might have a cold. Hope you have a clean hanky!