ABCtales Radio?
Mon, 2012-11-12 12:07
ABCtales Radio?
I just had to log back in and on googles front page for accessing the site I can see a link to ABCtales radio. Is this us? Is it a new venture or am I such a dimwit that I have never noticed it before?
I just went back to it, this looks like a fantastic new development for the site. Totally professional and brilliant.
Scratch skulls away looking silly and embarrassed...
Sorry - it used to exist but we had to discontinue for all sorts of reasons.
It may return one day!
Scratch, you're not alone mate. I saw it months ago and thought the same as you, then someone told me it was now defunk! Come on Tony, let's get it back on...
Scratch, I saw it too so you're not alone. Let's hope it does come back because I can see real possibilities with it.
I loved it, it was by bed time story, i miss it.