Has anyone noticed that only one person using charge of cherry picking??

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Has anyone noticed that only one person using charge of cherry picking??

This is going to sound petty coming from someone who's never earned a cherry in her life, but does anyone else think it's unfair that only one person can choose what gets cherry picked and what doesn't???

I mean, looking though some of the cherry picked stories they all seem to be the same sort of deep meaningful kind of thing, but not everyone likes that sort of thing and not everyone writes that sort of thing....

I mean, a story or poem doesn't always need to be deep to be good does it??? Just a thought, maybe it just says something about my stuff

What's everyone else opinion on the matter????

One person does not choose which stories are cherry-picked, Beaste, there are several. I have stories cherry-picked that are very bizarre and not deep and meaningful by any stretch of the imagination.
Deep and meaningful or just very well written, what do you think? http://www.abctales.com/story/canonette/thirteenth-birthday-party-1982


I have a feeling there may be more than one person beaste. There are hundreds of posts per day so there would simply be too many for just one editor to read them all then pick the best ones to cherry. I write all sorts of stuff, from funny to downright weird. Some get's cherried some doesn't.


I think we should all have a button that just allows us to cherry-pick our own stuff. In fact this comment is getting a cherry.


i think there should be more than one so it's neither bias nor opinionated selection
One person might pick something that others overlook, because everyone's tastes and opinions are different - but I guess it is the quality of the writing that attracts the editors.
If you think about it the sheer volume of work added to this site every twenty four hours would make it completely impossible for one person to do the cherry picking.


Unless it was God All-bleeding-mighty.
Nice insertion, Walrus. Proud of you. Give that man a cherry, cheery pecker.

Parson Thru

I get what you mean, there's lots of things I think are really good that don't have cherry's, and some things I think are not so good and have cherrys, but it's upto the editors, and if you like something, use the comments box and tell them....


That's en excellent observation, there's and awful lot of good stuff on this site. The cherry-picking process is subjective, it's based on the opinion of the editor that reads it - and we're all different and we all like different things.
Okay, not gonna lie, feel like a bit of a tit thinking only one guy gave out the cherry picks, but still it is the same sort of thing that is always cherry picked I swear...unless I'm just imagining it..?? But it seems that the majority of the cherry picked stuff is just dam right weird, which seems to mean that just because it's a bit odd must mean it must have some mystic hidden meaning behind it all which the writer is obviously trying to express when in real life he or she is just writing Caz he or she feels like doing so, as everyone does!!! Please ignore the hissy fit in text I just had and a fair majority are just really well written, but why does everyone love birds??? I mean I love birds, but everyone on this sight seem to love birds?

Bea :-)

Yep, I love birds :) http://www.ukauthors.com