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I'm really pleased with the way my current novel is turning out, it's somewhat more sophisticated than my previous attempts and I'm hoping is well written. Obviously when I have finished it I would like to be able to actuall send it to be viewed by an agent, but being very new to this area I have no idea who to approach, who's reputable, who's not, what to say, blah. Any help would be really greatly appreciated! Thanks =)

tony dee
Anonymous's picture
Hi LAura, fraid I can't give much useful advice, but if you go to the Bloomsbury. com site, theres a lot of good stuff bout agents there so far about 5 have turned me down :-) good luck :-)
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
If you're in the UK you should get (or at least get access to) the Writer's and Artist's Yearbook. I think you can get it on Amazon - that will list reputable agents.
Anonymous's picture
thanks for all the help! greatly appreciated, better get my credit card out then...
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Make sure that the agent you write to is interested in the kind of fiction that you write. Look at the list of their existing authors and try to imagine yourself amongst them. Best of luck!
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