So no ones posted for 2 days?
OK, I've finally had enough. I can't get from one page to the next without having to sign in again; the forums apparently haven't had a fresh post for at least 2 days, and no, it's not the 'half the page is missing' syndrome, the index says there hasn't been any new posts as well. It's become impossible for me to take part in any meaningful discussion as i can't them properly.
SO, I'm outta here for at least the next month (which I will be spending with friends in the country you all love to hate). If the site isn't working any better by my return at the end of January, I shall give up completely, as other things that DO work will take precedence over the frustrating experiences I've suffered here in (almost) complete silence for the last 2 months.
I'm not even sure if this post will actually happen!
The All New Pepsoid the Second!