aint the internet great

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aint the internet great

I'm sitting on a hotel balcony in Tortola and I can still read pointless threads on abctales, now if we could only do something about the time difference.

I may have had one or two rum cocktails.

If you want to use this thread to abuse me for being an insuferably smarmy bastard, feel free. Meanwhile, here's another reason why the internet is great Ooh, the steel band below is playing Somewhere Over The Rainbow.


When I posted on the phorum from Rome last year I was told to stop being a sad geekoid and to go and look at an interesting fountain or something.


I posted from a nice modern internet cafe at a new petrol station in the Gambia when I was suffering withdrawal symptoms a couple of years ago. You could get a nice cheap meal too - only problem was the electricity supply was unreliable so you didn't make any long posts.
When I was in Istanbul in October, someone was describing how there was a small group of 'singers' outside his window. Evidently these were people wailing out religious prayers or some such thing. I suggesedt to him that God created buckets, water, and windows for just such an occasion. Everyone laughed but I don't think they took the hint.
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