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New Members

I've noticed a fair few new members logging in the past couple of days - so, hello new members!!

p.s. Where's Mikepyro gone?

Yes, I was interested to note that God Almighty logged on to ABC today... clicking on His user name revealed Your name: the supreme being. Your town: heaven. Armageddon must be close then. I also noticed one of the Kumars but I didn't check to see if (s)he lived at 42. (do they both know the meaning of life the universe and everything?) Were honoured I'm sure. I think MIke Pyro is just having a week or two off - I remember him saying that he was planning to.
Thankyou for the welcome 2Lou, am yet to decide if I'll post work or not. Mykle, "do they both know the meaning of life the universe and everything?" Maybe but I doubt very much if you would listen, I get the impression you believe that of yourself already, so what you wondering for?"
It was a joke GA. It is presumed that God would know the meaning of life...etc. and 42 was the reply given by the computer Deep Thought to the question "What is the meaning of life the universe and everything?" in Hitch Hiker's Guide.
God Almighty, father of Christ Almighty, brother to Bill Almighty, Chris Almighty and Mick Almighty... The Almighty's at number 42! ~PEPS~ “You do not truly know someone until you fight them.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Making more friends I see, slimey!


Old friend I suspect... reincarnation no doubt.
You're welcome God Almighty. If you did decide to post your work here, maybe you could receive a little constructive crit ... I mean, I must admit, I did find the opening of your first book a tad repetitive - all that begatting - and some of the plots lines were a little hard to swallow. Still, it's got quite a cult following, I believe. So, well done you.
Only a minority following 2LOU.


And let's not get started on the paragraph structure! And starting all those sentences with "And"... ~PEPS~ “You do not truly know someone until you fight them.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Hey don't blame me for writing that crap
A very big welcome to all of our new members - including the big G - but none of your thunderbolts striking us down, we're all very busy begatting and quite happy doing it too, if you don't mind.
GA - Is it too late to say it's the word of Alan Smithee?
It can be the word of anyone, twist it around enough it can mean what anyone wants as well. And it may even have been me that wrote the book of which you speak. For I have the odd flasback now you've mentioned it. And that may mean it is indeed my own words. For there was time, many thousands of years ago. That I began experimenting. It was a time of many changes. Water into wine, magic mushrooms, hashish. The times are blurry. And it could be I wrote a book. For I am aware of the book in question. And I have seen it is long, a sure sign of someone shitfaced. And sadly, I have never read it.
See all the trouble you've caused, Almighty! Wars, witch-hunts, the insoluble guilt of a thousand generations... And all because of one night of shitfacery! You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself, young man... ~PEPS~ “You do not truly know someone until you fight them.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"And all because of one night of shitfacery" classic line! Juliet


Why thank you, Juliet... :-) ~PEPS~ “You do not truly know someone until you fight them.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Speaking of classic lines, I've just come across the following in Neil Gaiman's "American Gods"... Then he grinned, like a fox eating shit from a barbed wire fence. How splendid! ~PEPS~ “You do not truly know someone until you fight them.”

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Hello, just thought id pop in and say hi.
Any relation to Lucretia? Don't go letting Hunter Thompson influence your ending!


Don't let anyone influence your ending unless you fancy or sore bumbum.
"a" sore bumbum, not "or" sore bumbum actually. My funny accent popped out for a second there.
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