blankpages magazine - writers wanted

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blankpages magazine - writers wanted

I'm currently an editor of blankpages - a free web-based monthly arts magazine.

We publish articles and features on the arts, showcase visual art by up-an-coming artists, and publish poetry and prose fiction. You can find it at

And we want more writers. We are looking for submissions of all kinds for future issues - either in the catergories listed above or in ones we'd not even thought of.

Submissions guildelines can be found here;

We can't pay I'm afraid but this is an opportunity to have your work published as part of a high-quality (if I do say so myself) magazine. Have a look for yourself to see what I mean. We publish the new issue on the 1st of every month.

Even if you're not interested in submitting work, we value feedback so if you'd like to share any thoughts we'd appreciate it. You can do it in this thread or on the Blank Media site's forum.

I hope to be hearing from some of you soon.

Phil Craggs
editor, blankpages