Every ABCtaler is a star.
Sat, 2011-09-03 14:00
Every ABCtaler is a star.
Some people sing off key or out of tune and
others tell them "don't sing!" as if singing was the priviledge of a select few and not a universal right.
Sing if it makes you feel happy. Sing if your feeling sad. Sing in your own unique voice and don't stop singing just because of the deafness of a few.
I like ABCtales because it cuts out the middlemen
and, to be honest, I don't want to read what some editor or publisher or critic thinks I should read. I don't trust their judgement; they don't know me and what appeals to me.
I think that every ABCtaler, except those who belittle the efforts of others, is a Star, in my opinion. Thank goodness for all of you.
P4perCake desu'ttebayo~!