Fantastic site for novel writing ornithological illiterates
I've just come across an amazing online resource produced by the RSPB that helps you to identify most species of British birds. Not just by name and appearance but also by song.
For each bird there is a description and an audio file that allows you to listen to the bird's characteristic sound.
I see this as a useful resource for novel writers.
As your characters walk through the woods or trek across country you can pick a bird from this site and have it singing in the background.
You can then check it is appropriate or pick another more suitable sound to match the mood of the story. Who knows, the sound might inspire you to greater literary heights.
And of course ornithological illiterates like me gain a wider range of options to choose from beyond the boring thrush, sparrow and robin.
And I've just thought of another use. If you're stuck at home but want to fool someone on the phone into thinking you're on a field trip, trekking across the moors or such like, you can keep playing one of these feathery songsters in the background.
What a fantastic resource.