The Magazine Download

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The Magazine Download

Doesn't work

Just checked. It's working fine. Click on the pdf you want in the Files menu. Simples.
Yes today it does work . My computer must have been having a strop. Thanks


I chose Google because I thought it was much less likely to go belly-up than the previous host site and other 'solutions' that I considered. But I must concede that it does seem to have had a lot of 'down time'. Then again, it is free. So mustn't grumble.
Left six copies in the Doctors' surgery; they all vanished! Was thinking about standing outside selling them...well I am out of work, you know! I'M JOKING! about the selling...
Good man - they are very popular wherever they go - which should perhaps tell us something. Probably that people will take anything that's free!
I would have been cynical myself Tony but there are lots of mags in the docs and none of them went. The doc is a golf nut and big into sports but all those mags seem to last a bit. Mind you, ours is a bit different and mags are very expensive here to buy - especially imported ones. A book bought in England for say a 'tenner' could be sixteen here.
Wait until next month's I'll put a stop to that!
That's good news - and any way of helping to spread the word is to be applauded. It's also worth while sending a round robin email to your mates with a link to the mag - many of them will enjoy it!
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