Denzella has a Christmas Message

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Denzella has a Christmas Message

Merry Christmas to everyone at ABC Tales and I have posted a YouTube clip on Hundsonmoon's Christmas message that is well worth watching and listening to.

Look out for the little girl with big wings!


Thanks Moya- have a great Christmas.. ;)Pia
And you, Pia. Moya
Best wishes to you and yours (Derek), Moya. Have a very Happy Christmas ans a prosporous New Year. Trev PS: I replied to your direct email about the 'comments' thing with quite a long letter explaining things, but I'm not sure whether you received it. I've written to you this way a couple of times before and been doubtful whether you are getting the letters your end. Your email address suggests that you are sharing with Derek. Does that mean you don't get to read them?


Trev, I did get your email and it was my intention to write a proper one back but I've been in the middle of mince pies and cakes and puddings during the day and only coming up for a short while on the computer mainly to have a rest. Then tonight I made the mistake of watching the telly and did my usual...fell asleep while drinking my tea and scalded myself yet again. I'm so sorry but I will reply just as soon as I get off from here. I won't wish you a happy Christmas now I will when I email you. Moya