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This site

It kind of tells me a lot about this site that ppl go on forums and argue and sling shit at each other, but I post a really beautiful song and no-one even gives it a look. Maybe Ill try again before I go somewheres else.

I did take a look Charlie.


I looked too but had nothing to say about it. I don't think you've learned anything about this site from this experience. Maybe also bear in mind, it's Christmas so some people may have other stuff to do.
They still seem to find plenty of time to slag one another off, though. You had nothing to say about a thing of beauty. That says something to me. Maybe I'm too sensitive.
Come on, Charlie. You can't seriously tell me you're not trying to seek attention and backing up your honorable plight with the admirable thought of enlightening us to the beauty of music. I just posted a little something that happened to me the other night and made me laugh and now people seem to be pouncing all over me for some reason. It's quite disconcerting but Christmas does funny things to people. Sure, there'll be the ones who say I must be on the drink again but they couldn't be further from the truth. I'm just playing around a bit and I'm perfectly entitled to do that, but I'm not responsible for how people interpret things. That's their problem. I tell you what I'll do; I'll buy a second-hand crucifix off Ebay and when it's been delivered, you can come round to my place, lift me on high, burn organic skipped food at my feet and play some typically trite Led Zeppelin bullshit whilst I'm offered to the Gods with your disciples. On the other hand, if you're as bored with forum topics as I am, why not read some of the incomparably good writing on the site?


Charlie. Hats off to you. It takes a big man to type those five little letters. Happy New Year.


go to another site.


Tx for the support, lads. But celticman's right - even if Celtic are a wankered bunch of spastic gormless grannie fuckers and Rangers will always beat them on charisma and street kred if not goals. Im at a party and someone's just give me Jägermeister for the frist time. It tastes like medecine. No wonder bikers and metal-heads are brain dead. And Celtic fans. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mmm, interesting. If there was some weird gang war over football and religion I might just stick around for a few pointers. I'm always looking for different opinions on such hefty matters. '(I'm assuming you're Scottish. I don't understand why an Englishman would give two shits about Celtic and Rangers).' Have you never heard of Charles 'Chuckles' Green?
Yahooooo! Welcome old one. Happy 2013 to you and yours. P.S. are you out on parole?


Pesky u legend how the fuck r u?


PESKY! PESKY! PESKEEEE! C'mon, we're cookin' on gas th'noo.


Happy new year everyone. Hope you all had a great festive. Here's an example of Charles 'Chuckles' Green doing his stuff. Okay, so that's not the original Chuckles, but it's not far off. The straight-talking Yorkshireman has rallied the troops with such aplomb I'm surprised you haven't heard the banging of the Lambeg drums in London.
Shit. Didn't mean that to happen.can someone delete those extra posts for me please?