ABCtales critiques and chat room follow-up. A thank-you.

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ABCtales critiques and chat room follow-up. A thank-you.

A massive thank you to Luke Neima for organising this and of course to all the writers that took part in this fantastic and informative process. The whole things has been brilliant from start to finish.

Seconded! Motion carried!


Yes, thanks, Luke!


Hello, I notice one of my chapters now has a gold cherry next to it. Can anyone tell me what this means? Thanking you!


eilidh, you will notice Ewan's comment about that story being Facebook and twitter pick of the day? The gold cherries are to recognise that.


A massive thanks to Luke. I sadly missed it whilst jumping around to the like of Gilberto Gil at WOMAD but I really look forward to being able to participate in the next one.
The whole thing was brilliant Tony. We even had some (very welcome) gate crashers!


I missed it too, please, please,please do it again .. whatever it was.