Green Card

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Anonymous's picture
Green Card

My wife finally got hers, which means we're no longer trapped in Usa (can't leave while application is being processed). First trip will be to Italy - she hasn't seen her parents in two years, nor have they seen their granddaughter since not long after she was born. Next after that, who knows, but just knowing we can leave, for now, is almost as good as going there.

Hi Foster - From years of Visa nightmares, i know it feels great - there's freedom and there's freeeeeedom!!!! :D - congrats and hope you have a great time. Nicky x


Anonymous's picture
Thanks, you two. Yes, huge relief - what a ridiculous (and expensive) process. So glad it's over.
And if you happen to set foot in jolly old England then let us know and we'll fix up an ABC meet-up so that we can all see just what you look like!
Anonymous's picture
One of these days, Tony - thanks.
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