High Heels

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High Heels

...can be very sexy! :-)

But why do some women, who clearly can't handle them, persist in attempting to do so?



What is "the art of tea"?
And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

Because they wanna be like Posh :-/
A stiletto walk has to be confident and have the power to lure men into fantasies of submissive sex. If a woman can't pull that off, she looks a bit silly. :) When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Sorry, (must have led a sheltered life.) What does a stiletto have to do with submission? Folks like copying other folks. That's why you see fatties wearing hot-pants. And it's not a pretty sight. My latest killing is: http://www.bookscape.co.uk/short_stories/human_sacrifice.php
Enzo v2.0
Anonymous's picture
Just to fixing the italics (again)
I wore a pair to a wedding once and they nearly crippled me. As well as being hazardous, damaging to wooden floors and in my opinion, not very attractive, they are extremely bad for the posture as well as the feet and I can't understand why anyone would wear them even if they can handle them. jude "Cacoethes scribendi" http://www.judesworld.net


It is nice to feel as tall every one else once in a while.
Ooh, but they can be sexy, Jude! ;)... should perhaps be saved for a less-than-everyday treat, though. (PS> soz re italics!) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Why? See title of other thread about neo-management: I thought these two threads were connected until I read them. Arf! Ewan
What?! No no no!! pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Ha! put you off your breakfast that one! :-) Ewan
Wearing high heels makes you feel sexy because if you're going to pull it off and not look like a tottering tart you have to swing your hips, improve your posture, and sashay with confidence. Having said that, I can probably count on the fingers of one hand I've worn them because they're so darn uncomfortable after a bit.
"...sashay with confidence." mmmm, Barracuda! When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

Mmmm! :) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

High heels can be sexy. And when a woman puts them on, who is she doing it for? Really? I always assume she's trying to make herself as attractive as possible to the opposite sex, as per the culture (compare the ancient Egyptians painting their faces or the Chinese crushing young girls' feet) so that we can all find and keep a mate and carry on breeding ourselves into extinction :) And women who can't handle them want to be a part of that as much as anyone else.
yep..so wear crocs to the office tomorrow, you brazen hussy. When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

You sayin' crocs ain't sexy, Yan? ;) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I have to say I have never found high heels sexy. To be honest I cannot see what the fuss is about. They make most women look ridiculous. To my mind they are a tool of repression, designed to prevent women from running away quickly. If I were a woman I would refuse to wear them.
"To my mind they are a tool of repression, designed to prevent women from running away quickly. If I were a woman I would refuse to wear them." Brooosh, I agree with you 100%. Notwithstanding the fact that they are grindingly uncomfortable to wear, that is *exactly* why I don't wear them. It's not like I walk around expecting to be accosted or anything, but sheesh, if I were, how could I kick the assaulter's arse wearing a short skirt and stilettos (unless I provided an involuntary trepanation with the heel-end of the shoe)? They're just not practical. Some of the things [some] men find 'sexy' are just truly odd. Males are so peculiar.
I must confess, i did make the mistake of wearing a pair of three-inch high shoes (mercifully not stiletto) for the whole of my last year at secondary school. I did feel nice and tall, but it bloody well hurt by the end of each day! Another thing men find sexy but also hurt-corsets, but they are nice when not done up mega-tight.
Did I actually mention stilettos? Hmm, did I? :-/ AG: "Some of the things [some] men find 'sexy' are just truly odd. Males are so peculiar." Well I can't deny that! ;-) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

AG: "Some of the things [some] men find 'sexy' are just truly odd. Males are so peculiar." Then again, everything a woman finds sexy is totally understandable, that's why men and women get on so well. Oops! That just came out; consider my face virtually slapped. Ewan :-)
I have no idea why women insist on wearing them at all. I have to say, I immedietly have less respect for a person who does not like the feeling of their feet firm on the floor. The only times I have ever worn them I repeatedly fell over. High heels are somehow so patronising. My sisters job requires her to wear them. This pisses me off. Span
I must admit I love the sound of heels as opposed to the 'look'. :-/ When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I can't *stand* the sound of 'em! Noisy blighters! pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"everything a woman finds sexy is totally understandable, that's why men and women get on so well." Although I can't speak for all women, the ones I know find intelligence, wit, kindness, and a good sense of humour sexy in men. Looks and accessories come far down the list. What's not to understand about that? So yes, I find the male species' apparent fixation with accoutrements very peculiar, indeed.
'Although I can't speak for all women, the ones I know find intelligence, wit, kindness, and a good sense of humour sexy in men. Looks and accessories come far down the list. What's not to understand about that?' AG Well, yes, all of those things are a good basis for a relationship, but, as far as many men are concerned at least, not necessarily 'sexy'. If a man tells you he finds these things at the top of his 'sexy' list, I would suggest he's lying because he wants you to find him 'sexy'. No offence. Ewan
"intelligence, wit, kindness, and a good sense of humour" are all important but, in finding someone 'sexy', the physical aspect is equally so. I'm not talking about conventional good looks - quirkiness can be more attractive - but probably most important of all are what we can't see: pheromones.
There is nothing wrong with high heels when one is not trying to run away and are dressing for the boudoir,or indeed for a formal occasion, but in dasily life they are just disabling.


"There is nothing wrong with high heels when one is not trying to run away and are dressing for the boudoir..." This is something else I just honestly don't get: dressing for the boudoir. I mean, why? I don't get how dressing up in high heels and some uncomfortable lacy thing a) makes a woman feel sexy and b) the man finds it sexy. Maybe I just have too earthy a view for frippery. I would feel absolutely ridiculous, not sexy, in such a get-up. "I'm not talking about conventional good looks - quirkiness can be more attractive - but probably most important of all are what we can't see: pheromones." Yes, this is exactly right. The man I found sexiest was not a Brad Pitt, by any stretch, and wasn't really my 'type' at the time, but it was all I could do to keep my hands off him. He *smelled* good. But if he had asked me to wear high heels for him, I would have laughed in his face.
Yesterday, at the Birmingham Artsfest, I stood at the front of the "catwalk" of a fashion show, where I witnessed close-up a slew of tall, leggy models (often in high heels!) parading towards me showing plenty of flesh and the occasional flash of nipple... oddly, it did absolutely nothing for me. It struck me what an odd, contrived situation this was... I was there (as were all the other "observers") for the sole purpose of looking at these ladies, eyeing them up and down, and applauding them for how attractive they/their clothes were. Normally I feel most self-conscious if I am perceived to be *looking* at an attractive person of the opposite sex too much... It was most difficult to mentally reverse this perceptual dynamic! pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Do you wear high heels - for somebody - or because you feel like it? I'd guess that when you no longer feel like it, you take them off. (A bit like a hat I suppose.) I'm feeling dreadfully profound today. My latest killing is: http://www.bookscape.co.uk/short_stories/human_sacrifice.php
Do you wear high heels - for somebody - or because you feel like it? No, I don't. Oh, you mean generally! Sorry, carry on... pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

I'd wear anything if my lover asked me to. Isn't that what it's about: pleasing your lover? When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

I think high heels are a bit "no-pain-no-gain-y"... depends on whether you think the gain's worth the pain! ;-) pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"I'd wear anything if my lover asked me to. Isn't that what it's about: pleasing your lover?" Not if the pleasing is one-sided! It should be *mutually* pleasing. Then again, at this point in life I feel quite finished with sexuality in relationships: it adds no fulfilment to my life that I can't find in other ways, so dressing up to please someone else isn't even a consideration. Mr. Archergirl doesn't agree, of course, but after twelve years of marriage and two kids, I'm just not bothered. Monogamy is a drag.
lol :) When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we'll find peace. - Jimi Hendrix

~It's a maze for rats to try, it's a race for rats to die.~

'Mr. Archergirl doesn't agree, of course, but after twelve years of marriage and two kids, I'm just not bothered. Monogamy is a drag.' A Freudian slip? Whose are those heels in the wardrobe? Bit big are they? :-)
Monogamy is a what, now?! Does Mr AG look at this forum?! pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

"A Freudian slip? Whose are those heels in the wardrobe? Bit big are they?" Hah! I thought about that one after I'd posted!:-D Mr. AG might actually do better in heels that I would... Peps: No, he doesn't look at this forum, but he knows my feelings about such things. We don't quite have an open relationship yet, but we're working on it. We're still good friends. When the kids have grown, I plan to become unmarried altogether, and never do it again.
Ahh, well good luck with that, AG. Monogamy is, if you think about it, a bit of a weird thing - but then us humans do some strange stuff altogether, compaired to all the other animal-folk! Putting food on plates? What silliness! pe ps oid What is "the art of tea"? And what does an "odd courgette" look like?

The All New Pepsoid the Second!

Sexiness in the bedroom is a very different thing to sexiness on the street. In the former you are trying to stimulate/please your already chosen lover, in the latter you are trying to attract a new one or keep the person you are with by having other people leer at you and therefore increase your 'sexy stock'. That is why dressing up/ doing whatever/ (so long as both parties find it sexually alluring) during sex is fulfilling and satisfying. Indeed, it is that 'giving' thing of clearly going out of your way to please your partner that is a major part of the sexual chemistry between you. I'm not so sure about the latter case. My wife and I have been 'going out' since we were 17 and 16. She was an incredibly good looking girl who really didn't need to 'dress up' to attract men (not that she isn't lovely now but it is rather different!). They were round her likes bees to a honeypot and I guess she dressed down in order to repel them at times. That was all fine in the hippy trippy world in which we lived - and we got by OK. However I do remember one time when she had just bought a new see through top from Biba. She wore it with nothing underneath to a private party at the local disco (ooh, this is showing my age!) We had to leave as the hordes of slobbering males around her were just about to get to groping her in their maddened lust. Her fault? No, she looked magnificent in it and it was the fashion to do just this at the time. All part of life's rich learning curve. I do worry when I see my girls go out with next to nothing on. the oldest is married with a baby so doesn't do it so much and the youngest is in a stable and good relationship - but even at the age of 21 she still goes out in a belt and high heels. She's very confident about herself and what she wants to look like - and certainly wouldn't take fashion advice from her Mum or Dad - but it does put out a mixed message to me. Maybe modern lads are a bit more suss (they certainly seem far easier with their sexuality and themselves than we were) and can handle it. In which case, hurray - we can finally be what we want to be. So, it's cool for AG to dress down and defy the stilleto convention but it's also cool for my youngest to go out without much on and feel good about herself. Whatever rocks your boat, I guess.
Jesus Effing Christ! Another double post! Sorry!
Yes, you're right, Tony. If you are easy in yourself at age 21, that's a fine accomplishment in itself. At 21 I was not easy in myself at all, and did the whole 'dress up' thing as a mask for insecurity. My self-esteem has been hard-fought and hard-won, and one of the things I released during those battles was the need to dress 'for' other people, e.g. whatever the reigning fashion was at the time (this is as much a socially-inclusive identification as it is about 'feeling good'). I feel more attractive nowadays, nearing 40, in comfortable shoes and modest clothing, than I ever did wearing a fishnet shirt with no bra to a club (I did that, too!:-) with bright orange hotpants. Well, it *was* San Francisco...) at the age of 23. So I guess I cast a wary eye at girls who wear next to nothing out on the town (especially in winter. WTF?) and wonder whether they ought to do more work on their insides rather than their outsides. I realise this won't apply across the board. But still I wonder. Men who walk around without a shirt on are seen as being either vain or tacky or exhibitionists by many; and in order to look nice when they go out, they don't wear next to nothing. So why must/do women? Herein lies another strange double-standard. I don't think I'm particularly Victorian in my attitudes, but then again, maybe I am. What one does in the bedroom with another consenting adult is entirely one's own business; if you get off on wearing a big, furry raccoon costume, that's your concern. I just don't understand all the fuss.
Horses for courses I guess. If we really examined what it was that turned us on in the bedroom then it might become very messy indeed. Of course we all think about it but we shouldn't be hard on ourselves. If it gets you both going then wa-hey, I say - live it and enjoy it, don't deny yourselves.
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