The Tinted Window, by ME!

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The Tinted Window, by ME!
I don't usually post first drafts on here, but this is one. I just can't decide whether it's any good and I'd appreciate your feedback.
A little background to help:
This started out as an updated version of MR James' "The Mezotint"; but instead of having a photograph changing regularly (where a monstrous figure gets closer to the onlooker), this story uses a web cam updating intermittently.

But the characters took over this story early on, and I wonder whether the back story swamps the terror of the central theme...?
Anyway, thanks in advance!

PS, apologies for the length (3,600 words). Possibly, this is one of the story's faults(?)

I liked your story about the ghost cyclist. Effective and sad. However, despite some good writing The Tinted Window doesn't pass the MR James spook-test. The problem is the jokey and over-elaborate office frame, it is developed too much at the expense of the ghost story (it isn't exactly a ghost but a pixellated prediction.) The frame has to be as scary as the story. Think of the weird Suffolk Inn in Rats and the desolate landscape, flooded or flowering with sea lavender. I ask myself what does the tax-office frame add to the story? Could it be better set elsewhere? It's always good to embed the frightening in the realistic and mundane but the office stuff feels overlong. The humour and sexual shenanigans undercuts the terror, rather than adding to it. I can't feel fear in this workplace (perhaps if the auditors were in and the protagonist was in real fear of what he'd buried in the ledger...) MR builds up fear with his isolated bachelors as they rattle round the East Coast- they aren't able to laugh it off in company, their fear is part of their buttoned up inability to feel properly (think of the don who refuses his friend's request for the spare bed in Whistle! And I'll Come To You My Lad...) The don like lots of other single males is only able to experience terror, never love or normal human warmth. Also the set-up is too elaborate to convince me, a guy at work installing cameras around his newly acquired 19th century pile? Better a security guard watching his screens. One last thing. The really scary stories such as E F Benson's brilliant The Face work best because the character in no way deserves their fate, it is all too easy to punish a character for greed or for being a Jew as in the teeth-chattering Uncommon Prayer Book. I hope this doesn't seem negative, I love the genre and I like your writing.


Wow, thanks all for commenting. It's given me lots to think about and it's all very helpful. I think I waved bye-bye to the horror as soon as I allowed the plot to develop in the direction it did. And Blackjack, you're right - the plot got convoluted precisely because the setting wasn't appropriate for the original premise. For some reason I wanted Daniel to be a modern day Bartleby, which meant he had to be in an office. And from that point on, I had to produce REASONS for everything. Your idea of a nightwatchman with a CCTV screen is brilliant - slick, succinct, no explanations needed - and this would have made for a much scarier (and shorter) story. Doeslittle - I really don't blame you for "forgetting" to feel terror - the story that came out was just so far removed from MR James that it ceased to be a horror story. My fear, though, was that it was less terror and more terrible, and - Keleph - bless you for mentioning Tales of the Unexpected - Dahl's stories have always been a huge inspiration for me, and I feel this one - particularly the final image, where Craig and Michelle make love with Daniel waving behind them - has more than a nod towards TOTU. Your comment about the short "I'm sure they can see me" scene is correct - it's only there at all because I wanted to shoe-horn in the joke from Michelle ("Oh Craig, look at that!") And Tony - as ever, your incisive comments have helped to clear my general befuddlement: although this is no longer a horror story, it seems that the characters and plot really do have a future. So thanks to all of you, and I'll start work on draft two. Gareth PS - the cat's anus stays!
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